Kainalu Malik Santoso

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Perkenalkan nama saya Kainalu Malik Santoso mahasiswa teknik perkapalan 2019 yang saat ini sedang mengambil kelas metode numerik, saya memiliki hobi bermain futsal dan mengobrol dengan orang yang ada di sekitar saya

Resume 26/05/23

Pertemuan pertama tanggal 26/05/23, Pak DAI memberikan penjelasan mengenai cara mengejar yang ia terapkan yaitu melalui Consiousness, yaitu kesadaran diri kita masing masing. Sebelum menyelesaikan masalah kita harus paham apa itu Consiousness agar dapat menjawab lebih baik dan melihat ke segalah arah sudut pandang terhadap masalah tersebut. Hal ini Pak DAI contohkan pada study case yaitu berupa soal operasi matematika. Kita beranggapan bahwa operasi matematika pasti memiliki nilai yang eksak, akan tetapi pada soal tersebut memberikan hasil yang tidak pasti. Pada pertemuan ini juga Pak DAI menugaskan untuk membuat tabung hidrogen dengan volume 1 liter bertekanan 8 bar.

Case Study : Design & Optimization Pressurized Hydrogen Storage

Week 1 progress task: Design and optimization of a 1 liter compressed hydrogen storage tank (8 bar). Here are some steps and considerations to keep in mind when designing a hydrogen tank concept with a capacity of 1 liter, pressure of 8 bar, and a maximum production cost of Rp 500,000.

1.Tank material:
Consider using strong, lightweight materials to minimize manufacturing costs and meet strength requirements. Examples of materials that can be used are aluminum or carbon fiber. This material is typically strong enough to withstand pressures of 8 bar.

2. Tank design and size:

An appropriately sized and shaped tank that can hold 1 liter of hydrogen and withstand a pressure of 8 bar must be designed. Smaller tank sizes require less material and help control production costs.

3. Welding and construction:

Make sure the tank is strong and well connected. Welding processes such as TIG welding (tungsten inert gas) and MIG welding (metal inert gas) can be used to connect tank components. Make sure the welding process is done carefully and meets safety standards.

4. Lock and seal system:

Make sure the tank has an effective sealing system to prevent hydrogen leakage. Tanks are thoroughly inspected and leak tested to ensure the required pressure is maintained during use.

Five. Protection and safety:

Make sure the tank is equipped with a protection system and pressure relief valve to reduce the risk of failure and overpressure. Safety factor is very important in hydrogen tank design.

6. Production cost:

When designing tanks, keep in mind that the total cost of production is within the Rp limit. Half a million. Choose efficient materials and construction methods to achieve this goal. Consider material costs, labor costs, and other production costs.

It is important to note that proper design of hydrogen tanks requires a thorough understanding of pressure tank technology and safety. When designing tanks, we should also pay attention to risk management in tank manufacturing. You can consider the following points:

1. Risk identification:
Identify risks associated with hydrogen tanks, such as: B. Hydrogen leaks, structural defects, overpressure, or unwanted chemical reactions. Also be aware of relevant environmental and safety factors. 2. Risk analysis:
Conduct a systematic risk analysis to assess the likelihood and impact of each identified risk. Prioritize risks by severity and likelihood.

3. Risk mitigation:

Based on the results of the risk analysis, develop an effective risk mitigation plan to mitigate the identified risks. For example, the introduction of highly sensitive hydrogen leak detection systems, the selection of materials with appropriate strength, and the installation of highly reliable pressure relief devices.

4.Tank material:

Consider the risk factors and select the suitable material for the hydrogen tank. Make sure the material is good at corrosion resistance and hydrogen embrittlement. We thoroughly test our materials to make sure they fit. 5. Structural design:
Design tank structures with strength, safety and risk in mind. Use structural analysis techniques such as finite element analysis (FEA) to ensure proper strength and structural integrity.

6. Welding and joining:

Make sure your tank welds and joints are done carefully and comply with safety standards. Perform non-destructive testing to check the quality of welds and joints.

7. Leak and pressure test:

Perform pressure and leak tests on a regular basis to ensure tank integrity. Implement rigorous testing protocols and create test logs to track results.

8th place. Emergency pressure relief system:

Install an emergency pressure relief system. B. A pressure relief valve that activates when pressure exceeds safe limits. Make sure your system is well designed and tested regularly.

9. Operator training and safety procedures:

Comprehensive operator training on hydrogen tank handling, operation and maintenance.

10. Regular monitoring and maintenance:

Perform regular monitoring and maintenance of hydrogen tanks to detect problems