M. Reyhan Fachriansyah Hermawan

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My conciousness is my top priority

M. Reyhan Fachriansyah 2106657172.jpg

Name: M. Reyhan Fachriansyah Hermawan

NPM: 2106657172

Major: Mechanical Engineering KKI

DoB: 19 April 2003

E-mail: reyhanfachriansyah@gmail.com

 Hello All, My name is Reyhan Fachri, you can call me fahri. This is my page that contains the progress of my ongoing assigned project for Numerical Method course in my fourth semester. My future goal is to establish several high-tech manufacturing company revolving around robotics, sensors, and renewable energy.
 I hope by undertaking this course, i will bring my self closer to my goal by expanding my knowledge and conciousness

Hydrogen Tank Design and Optimization Project

This design and optimization project is assigned by our lecturer Pak Dr. Ahmad Indra Siswantara as an individual project/task as a learning method to use Numerical Method as a tool for real-life application problems. The project consist of designing a hydrogen tank with some constraints: consider being the gas pressurized at 8 bars, a required volume of 1 liter, and a maximum budget of 500,000 IDR to make one. Hydrogen gas has a high level of danger espescially when pressurized to a high pressure by reason of the likelihood of explosion. Thus, it is crucial for engineers to design and optimize a safe hydrogen tanks for several type of real life practices.