Ashar Prayoga

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Revision as of 09:59, 29 May 2023 by Ashrpryg7 (talk | contribs) (DESIGN AND OPTIMIZATION OF PRESSURIZED HYDROGEN STORAGE)
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Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Perkenalkan nama saya Ashar Prayoga, saya adalah mahasiswa program studi Teknik Mesin angkatan 2021 dengan NPM 2106727954. Di laman ini saya akan membagikan tentang hasil pembelajaran saya untuk kelas Metode Numerik-01, harapannya semoga apa yang saya tulis disini dapat bermanfaat di kemudian hari.


When designing the optimization of pressurized hydrogen storage with a volume of 1 liter, pressure of 8 bar, and a production cost not exceeding Rp500,000.00, there are several considerations to take into account. Here are some important factors to consider:

Container Material and Construction

Choose materials that are safe and resistant to high pressure and corrosion, such as aluminum, stainless steel, or carbon fiber-reinforced composites.
Ensure that the container construction can safely withstand the desired hydrogen pressure.


Certification and compliance with applicable safety standards such as ISO 15869 or SAE J2579.
Consider adequate safety features, such as pressure relief valves, pressure sensors, and fire suppression systems.

Space Efficiency

Design the container to maximize the use of space within the 1-liter volume.
Utilize optimal packaging techniques to maximize the amount of hydrogen that can be stored within the available space.

Storage Efficiency

Consider the most efficient method of hydrogen storage, such as physical storage as compressed gas or storage in the form of a fuel cell if hydrogen fuel cells are being :considered.

Production Cost

Take into account the cost of materials, production, and testing associated with the storage design.
Optimize the design to achieve a production cost that does not exceed the budgetary constraints.


Ensure that the container design can maintain a stable pressure over the desired period without leaks or potential damage.


Ensure that the design complies with applicable regulations and standards in the hydrogen storage industry.