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What do you know about manometer
A manometer is an instrument used to measure pressure, typically in a fluid, gas or vapor. It works by comparing the pressure of the substance being measured to a reference pressure, usually atmospheric pressure.
There are several types of manometers, including U-tube manometers, inclined-tube manometers, and digital manometers. U-tube manometers consist of a U-shaped tube partially filled with a liquid, typically mercury or water, and the pressure difference between the two ends of the tube is measured by the difference in the liquid levels. Inclined-tube manometers are similar to U-tube manometers, but the tube is inclined at an angle to make it easier to read the measurement. Digital manometers use electronic sensors to measure pressure and display the results digitally.
Manometers are used in a variety of applications, including monitoring pressure in HVAC systems, measuring blood pressure, and measuring the pressure in industrial processes. They are often used in combination with other instruments to provide a complete picture of a system's pressure and flow characteristics.
How it's work
A manometer works by measuring the difference in pressure between two points. One end of the manometer is connected to the substance whose pressure is to be measured, while the other end is open to the atmosphere or connected to a reference pressure. The pressure difference between the two ends causes a change in the level of a liquid column in the manometer.
For example, in a U-tube manometer, a liquid such as mercury or water is partially filled into a U-shaped tube. One end of the tube is open to the substance whose pressure is to be measured, while the other end is open to the atmosphere or connected to a reference pressure. The pressure difference between the two ends causes the liquid level in one arm of the U-tube to rise and the level in the other arm to fall. The difference in the liquid level can be measured and used to calculate the pressure difference.
The height difference in the liquid column is proportional to the difference in pressure between the two points. The pressure can be calculated using the equation:
pressure difference = density x gravity x height difference
where density is the density of the liquid, gravity is the acceleration due to gravity, and height difference is the difference in the height of the liquid column in the manometer.
Other types of manometers, such as digital manometers, use different mechanisms to measure pressure, such as electronic sensors or strain gauges, but they still rely on the principle of comparing the pressure of the substance being measured to a reference pressure.
Juan Andre
But can this manometer works underwater or in vacuum space
The performance of a manometer can be affected by various factors, such as the type of manometer, the properties of the fluid being measured, and the operating conditions.
In general, manometers can work underwater as long as the liquid used in the manometer has a specific gravity greater than that of water and is not affected by the underwater pressure. However, the design of the manometer may need to be adjusted to account for the underwater pressure, which can increase with depth.
In a vacuum space, manometers can still work but may need to be designed differently to operate properly. A traditional U-tube manometer that relies on gravity to move the fluid column may not work in a vacuum since there is no atmospheric pressure to balance the pressure of the fluid being measured. In this case, a different type of manometer, such as a digital manometer, may be needed that does not rely on a fluid column to measure pressure.
It's important to note that not all manometers are suitable for use in extreme conditions like underwater or in a vacuum space, and it's essential to select a manometer that is designed and calibrated for the specific operating conditions and requirements.

Revision as of 20:14, 3 April 2023


Nama : Ihza Lathansa

NPM : 2106728143



1.Jelaskan Mekanisme Manometer Analog

  = Manometer analog adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mengukur tekanan fluida dalam sistem. Mekanisme kerja manometer analog didasarkan pada hukum Pascal, yang    
    menyatakan bahwa tekanan pada sebuah fluida merata dalam semua arah dan diteruskan dengan tidak berubah ke seluruh bagian fluida. Oleh karena itu, jika tekanan    
    fluida diterapkan pada satu sisi manometer, maka tekanan ini akan merambat melalui fluida dan menunjukkan ketinggian fluida yang sama pada sisi yang lain.

  = Cara Kerja Manometer :
    Cara kerja manometer berdasarkan tabung berisi cairan yaitu raksa. Salah satu bagian dari tabung memiliki cabang ke komponen  cairan lain.Tabung yang dipakai   
    berbentuk U dimana kedua atau salah satu bagian terbuka. Saat terbuka, dua ujung tabung terpapar atmosfer sehingga tekanan sama. Cairan raksa dan lainnya          
    berada di posisi seimbang. Satu permukaan lalu ditutup sehingga tekanan meningkat dan yang terbuka menjadi rendah. Selama pergerakan tersebut, tekanan akan      
    mengubah komposisi cairan atau gas. Perubahan ini dalam bentuk volume atau apapun yang terukur. Selanjutnya, sistem tekanan dan pengukuran tersambung pada alat     
    skala yang menampilkan angka-angka tertentu.

2. Jelaskan Mekanisme Manometer Tipe U

  = Manometer tipe U adalah salah satu jenis manometer yang digunakan untuk mengukur tekanan fluida. Manometer ini terdiri dari dua pipa berbentuk U yang         
    dihubungkan pada salah satu ujungnya dan diisi dengan fluida. Bagian bawah kedua pipa dihubungkan dengan saluran yang ingin diukur tekanannya. 
    Mekanisme kerja dari manometer tipe U adalah dengan memanfaatkan perbedaan tekanan antara fluida di saluran yang ingin diukur dan fluida di dalam pipa U.            
    Saat fluida di saluran masuk ke pipa U, tekanan fluida akan mengakibatkan ketinggian fluida di pipa U sebelah kanan naik, sementara ketinggian fluida di pipa U   
    sebelah kiri turun. Perbedaan ketinggian fluida ini mencerminkan perbedaan tekanan antara kedua sisi manometer. Perbedaan tekanan ini dapat diukur dengan            
    mengukur perbedaan ketinggian fluida menggunakan skala yang terdapat pada pipa U. Skala tersebut biasanya terdiri dari angka-angka yang menunjukkan ketinggian     
    fluida dalam satuan tertentu, seperti mmHg atau inHg. Untuk membaca nilai tekanan, kita perlu membandingkan ketinggian fluida di kedua sisi pipa U dan mencari    
    selisih ketinggian tersebut pada skala manometer. Nilai tekanan dapat dihitung dengan menggunakan rumus:
    P = ρgh
    di mana P adalah tekanan fluida, ρ adalah massa jenis fluida, g adalah percepatan gravitasi, dan h adalah ketinggian fluida yang diukur.

3. Tuliskan hasil pengukuran P1, P2, dan P2 (ketika menggunakan manometer tipe U)

  = P1 105 mmH₂O
    P2 1,5 mmH₂O

4.Faktor apa yang mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya tekanan

  = faktor yang mempengaruhi besarnya tekanan adalah gaya tekan dan luas bidang tekan. Faktor-faktor tersebut diperuntukan bagi tekanan benda padat.
    Sedangkan pada benda cair, faktor yang mempengaruhi besarnya tekanan pada benda cair yaitu massa jenis zat, percepatan gravitasi bumi dan kedalaman                  
    atau ketinggian zat cair

5. Tuliskan satuan yang ada pada manometer tersebut dan konversi ke dalam satuan SI

  = Satuan pada manometer : milibar Satuan SI tekanan udara = pascal
    Konversi :
    P1 (awal) = 10 milibar = 1000 pascal P2 (awal) = 1,5 milibar = 150 pascal P1 (akhir) = 8,5 milibar = 850 pascal P2 (akhir) = 1,2 milibar = 120 pascal

6. Buatlah skala tekanan pada manometer tersebut

  = Skala Tekanan = 1mmBar = 100Pa


What do you know about manometer

A manometer is an instrument used to measure pressure, typically in a fluid, gas or vapor. It works by comparing the pressure of the substance being measured to a reference pressure, usually atmospheric pressure.

There are several types of manometers, including U-tube manometers, inclined-tube manometers, and digital manometers. U-tube manometers consist of a U-shaped tube partially filled with a liquid, typically mercury or water, and the pressure difference between the two ends of the tube is measured by the difference in the liquid levels. Inclined-tube manometers are similar to U-tube manometers, but the tube is inclined at an angle to make it easier to read the measurement. Digital manometers use electronic sensors to measure pressure and display the results digitally.

Manometers are used in a variety of applications, including monitoring pressure in HVAC systems, measuring blood pressure, and measuring the pressure in industrial processes. They are often used in combination with other instruments to provide a complete picture of a system's pressure and flow characteristics.

How it's work

A manometer works by measuring the difference in pressure between two points. One end of the manometer is connected to the substance whose pressure is to be measured, while the other end is open to the atmosphere or connected to a reference pressure. The pressure difference between the two ends causes a change in the level of a liquid column in the manometer.

For example, in a U-tube manometer, a liquid such as mercury or water is partially filled into a U-shaped tube. One end of the tube is open to the substance whose pressure is to be measured, while the other end is open to the atmosphere or connected to a reference pressure. The pressure difference between the two ends causes the liquid level in one arm of the U-tube to rise and the level in the other arm to fall. The difference in the liquid level can be measured and used to calculate the pressure difference.

The height difference in the liquid column is proportional to the difference in pressure between the two points. The pressure can be calculated using the equation:

pressure difference = density x gravity x height difference

where density is the density of the liquid, gravity is the acceleration due to gravity, and height difference is the difference in the height of the liquid column in the manometer.

Other types of manometers, such as digital manometers, use different mechanisms to measure pressure, such as electronic sensors or strain gauges, but they still rely on the principle of comparing the pressure of the substance being measured to a reference pressure.

Juan Andre

But can this manometer works underwater or in vacuum space

The performance of a manometer can be affected by various factors, such as the type of manometer, the properties of the fluid being measured, and the operating conditions.

In general, manometers can work underwater as long as the liquid used in the manometer has a specific gravity greater than that of water and is not affected by the underwater pressure. However, the design of the manometer may need to be adjusted to account for the underwater pressure, which can increase with depth.

In a vacuum space, manometers can still work but may need to be designed differently to operate properly. A traditional U-tube manometer that relies on gravity to move the fluid column may not work in a vacuum since there is no atmospheric pressure to balance the pressure of the fluid being measured. In this case, a different type of manometer, such as a digital manometer, may be needed that does not rely on a fluid column to measure pressure.

It's important to note that not all manometers are suitable for use in extreme conditions like underwater or in a vacuum space, and it's essential to select a manometer that is designed and calibrated for the specific operating conditions and requirements.