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Nama Lengkap : Zulian Ismail Dewandanu
Full name : Zulian Ismail Dewandanu
Nama Panggilan : Zulian
NPM : 1706064593
NPM : 1706064593
Place, date of birth : Bandung, March 28 1999
Tempat, tanggal lahir : Bandung, 28 Maret 1999
Major : Mechanical Engineering
Jurusan : Teknik Mesin
Batch : 2017
Angkatan : 2017
I'm a mechanical engineering student of the 8th semester at Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Engineering's International Program. I love engineering topics such as renewable energy, automotive, and aviation. Aside from that, I'm passionate about geopolitics, social issues, and history.
Saya merupakan seorang mahasiswa semester 8 teknik mesin kelas internasional di Universitas Indonesia. Saya sangat menggemari topik-topik yang berhubungan dengan dunia ''engineering'', seperti energi terbarukan, otomotif, maupun aviasi. Di luar dunia teknik, saya juga menyukai geopolitik, isu-isu sosial, maupun sejarah.  
In accordance to my engineering passion in the subjects previously mentioned, I plan to concentrate on aerodynamics, aeronautics, and control systems for my thesis and for my postgraduate studies.
Untuk mendukung minat saya di bidang-bidang yang saya telah sebutkan, saya berencana untuk berkonsentrasi di bidang aerodinamika serta sistem kontrol untuk topik skripsi serta pada jenjang studi setelah S1.
== 23/02/2021 ==
Today I'm feeling energized to start the new semester.
Hari ini saya merasa sehat dan bersemangat untuk memulai semester baru.  
Mengenai keadilan, saya rasa keadilan adalah kesetaraan dalam ''opportunity'' yang tersedia untuk sesiapapun yang bersedia berusaha untuk menggapai kesempatan-kesempatan tersebut. Contohnya, penyediaan sekolah secara gratis, subsidi silang, maupun strata pajak yang mencorong ke bawah merupakan salah satu wujud usaha negara untuk mewujudkan ''equal opportunity'' tersebut, dengan cara membantu mereka yang kurang mampu untuk dapat setara dengan mereka yang mampu dari sisi ekonomi, pendidikan, dll.  
About justice, what I feel constitute as 'justice' is the equity of opportunity available for those who are willing to go after and grab those opportunities. For example, free education, cross-subsidy, or an upside down tax-strata are some of the ways the government can help manifest the coveted equal opportunity for their citizens, by way of helping those who are in need to catch up to their more fortunate counterpart in terms of education, economy, etc.
Dalam dunia teknik, perwujudan equal opportunity dapat termanifestasi dengan pengintegrasian teknologi-teknologi low-cost yang dapat diimplementasikan di daerah-daerah kurang termajukan, seperti contohnya turbin air, kincir angin, dll. sebagai pembangkit listrik, agar anak-anak daerah dapat belajar di malam hari untuk kemudian menggapai masa depan yang lebih cerah.
In an engineering sense, equal opportunity can be brought into the scene by developing and integrating low-cost technologies which can be implemented in remote areas. These technologies may include simple electricity generator such as rudimentary water and wind turbines, clean water piping system, telecommunication grid expansion, etc. These technologies, if implemented correctly, these can help people who are living in said areas in, for example, studying in the night, or have wider access to information.
Mekanika fluida merupakan salah satu inti daripada teknik mesin. Banyak topik seperti pipe engineering, aerodinamika, pneumatika, dsbg. berhubungan erat dengan mekanika fluida.
Mekanika fluida merupakan salah satu inti daripada teknik mesin. Banyak topik seperti pipe engineering, aerodinamika, pneumatika, dsbg. berhubungan erat dengan mekanika fluida.
Energi merupakan kapasitas suatu benda untuk melakukan usaha terhadap benda lain. Secara simpel, mungkin dapat dijelaskan dengan "seberapa kuat kamu bisa angkat barang, seberapa jauh kamu bisa lari," dll.
Fluid mechanics in my opinion is one of the pillars of mechanical engineering, in addition to manufacturing methods and design. Many topics such as pipe engineering, aerodynamics, pneumatics, etc. have a very tight relationship with fluid mechanics.
Energy is the capacity for an object to do work upon another object. Wherupon asked by a child to explain the concept of energy, in my opinion you can say something along the lines of "how heavy an object can you lift? How far can you run? Can you go through your activities without feeling hungry?", etc.
The equation "U = Q + W" signifies that for a change in energy within a system, there must be heat either going in or out to the system, and work done to or by the system. This can be related to our daily activity, especially studying, that in order to gain 'energy' (knowledge), we must let ourselves absorb 'energy' around us and do work to gain that 'energy'.

Revision as of 12:54, 24 February 2021

Full name : Zulian Ismail Dewandanu

NPM : 1706064593

Place, date of birth : Bandung, March 28 1999

Major : Mechanical Engineering

Batch : 2017

I'm a mechanical engineering student of the 8th semester at Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Engineering's International Program. I love engineering topics such as renewable energy, automotive, and aviation. Aside from that, I'm passionate about geopolitics, social issues, and history.

In accordance to my engineering passion in the subjects previously mentioned, I plan to concentrate on aerodynamics, aeronautics, and control systems for my thesis and for my postgraduate studies.


Today I'm feeling energized to start the new semester.

About justice, what I feel constitute as 'justice' is the equity of opportunity available for those who are willing to go after and grab those opportunities. For example, free education, cross-subsidy, or an upside down tax-strata are some of the ways the government can help manifest the coveted equal opportunity for their citizens, by way of helping those who are in need to catch up to their more fortunate counterpart in terms of education, economy, etc.

In an engineering sense, equal opportunity can be brought into the scene by developing and integrating low-cost technologies which can be implemented in remote areas. These technologies may include simple electricity generator such as rudimentary water and wind turbines, clean water piping system, telecommunication grid expansion, etc. These technologies, if implemented correctly, these can help people who are living in said areas in, for example, studying in the night, or have wider access to information.

Mekanika fluida merupakan salah satu inti daripada teknik mesin. Banyak topik seperti pipe engineering, aerodinamika, pneumatika, dsbg. berhubungan erat dengan mekanika fluida.

Fluid mechanics in my opinion is one of the pillars of mechanical engineering, in addition to manufacturing methods and design. Many topics such as pipe engineering, aerodynamics, pneumatics, etc. have a very tight relationship with fluid mechanics.

Energy is the capacity for an object to do work upon another object. Wherupon asked by a child to explain the concept of energy, in my opinion you can say something along the lines of "how heavy an object can you lift? How far can you run? Can you go through your activities without feeling hungry?", etc.

The equation "U = Q + W" signifies that for a change in energy within a system, there must be heat either going in or out to the system, and work done to or by the system. This can be related to our daily activity, especially studying, that in order to gain 'energy' (knowledge), we must let ourselves absorb 'energy' around us and do work to gain that 'energy'.