Praktikum Manometer (1806200961)
Oleh : Fariz Fatkhur R
Tugas dalam bentuk dokumen yang berisikan:
1. Prinsip kerja alat pengukur tekanan (manometer analog, manometer U, pressure tranducer)
2. Studi kasus manometer U dengan tekanan 300 Pa maka akan menyebabkan peningkatan tekanan h untuk masing2 fluida air, raksa, minyak.
3. Chat GPT seputar eksperimen hari ini.
1. -> Manometer Analog bekerja dengan prinsip hidrostatis didalam tabung umumnya berbentuk U dimana diisi dengan fluida seperti air/minyak/merkuri dimana salah satu ujung diberi contohnya pressure chamber untuk memberikan tekanan dan satu ujung dibiarkan terbuka (umumnya) yang dijadikan sebagai sisi pengukur tekanan.
-> Manometer U P(Pressure Chamber)-P(Sisi Terbuka)=ρ*g*Δh
dimana ρ=massa jenis fluida yang digunakan
g=percepatan gravitasi
Δh=perubahan ketinggian (ketinggian setelah adanya tekanan dari sisi pressure chamber - ketinggian awal)
-> Pressure transducer(sensor) Pressure transducer merupakan sensor untuk mengukur tekanan atau tingkat cairan dan gas industri. Output berupa sinyal digital (data) yang ditransmisikan ke sebuah sistem kontrol. Data hasil pengukuran ini dapat disimpan secara real-time ke sebuah sistem yang mempunyai memori seperti komputer menggunakan perangkat lunak.
P (terukur) = 300 Pascal (Pa)
P (terbuka) = 0 Pa
h (awal) = 0 meter
-> Fluida yang digunakan air
ρ(air) = 1000 kg/m³
ΔP = ρgΔh
(300 - 0) Pa = 1000 kg/m³ * 9.81 m/s² * (x - 0) m
x = 0.0306 m
-> Fluida yang digunakan minyak
ρ(minyak) = 800 kg/m³
ΔP = ρgΔh
(300 - 0) Pa = 800 kg/m³ * 9.81 m/s² * (x - 0) m
x = 0.0382 m
-> Fluida yang digunakan raksa
ρ(raksa) = 13600 kg/m³
ΔP = ρgΔh
(300 - 0) Pa = 13600 kg/m³ * 9.81 m/s² * (x - 0) m
x = 0.00225 m
Dari perhitungan teoritis diatas dapat dimengerti bahwa semakin kecil massa jenis yang digunakan untuk pengukuran tekanan maka, semakin tinggi nilai ketinggian yang didapat.
3. ChatGPT mengenai praktikum
1. is there another way for simple pressure measurement other than using manometer U?
Yes, there are several methods for measuring pressure other than using a manometer U. Here are a few examples:
1. Bourdon tube: A Bourdon tube is a mechanical device used for measuring pressure. It consists of a curved tube that is flattened on one side and open to the pressure being measured on the other. As the pressure inside the tube increases, the flattened side of the tube tries to straighten, and this movement is measured and converted into a pressure reading.
2. Diaphragm gauge: A diaphragm gauge works on the principle that a diaphragm will deform when subjected to pressure. The deformation of the diaphragm is measured and converted into a pressure reading.
3. Pressure transducer: A pressure transducer is an electronic device that converts pressure into an electrical signal. The pressure is sensed by a diaphragm or other sensing element and this is converted into an electrical signal that can be read by a computer or other electronic device.
4. Piezoelectric sensors: Piezoelectric sensors are used to measure dynamic pressure changes. They work by converting pressure changes into an electrical charge.
These are just a few examples of the different methods available for measuring pressure. The choice of method depends on the specific application and the accuracy required.
2. what can we use other than water or oil or mercury for manometer U?
Manometer U is a simple device used for measuring pressure based on the height difference between two fluid columns in a U-shaped tube. While water, oil, and mercury are commonly used fluids in manometer U, there are several other fluids that can be used as well, depending on the specific application. Here are a few examples:
1. Alcohol: Ethanol and isopropyl alcohol are commonly used in manometers for measuring low pressures.
2. Glycerin: Glycerin is a viscous fluid with a high density and can be used for measuring moderate pressure ranges.
3. Silicone oil: Silicone oil is a good choice for measuring high pressures due to its high boiling point and resistance to oxidation and chemical attack.
4. Fluorinated liquids: Fluorinated liquids such as Fluorinert and FC-72 are non-conductive, non-flammable, and have a low toxicity, making them suitable for certain applications in the electronics and semiconductor industries.
It is important to note that the choice of fluid for a manometer U depends on several factors, including the pressure range, temperature, chemical compatibility, and safety considerations.