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The data that I collected in the first week is the most general data from this case, further details will be finalized soon and for the 3D model of the Hydrogen Storage System, it will be done as soon as possible
The data that I collected in the first week is the most general data from this case, further details will be finalized soon and for the 3D model of the Hydrogen Storage System, it will be done as soon as possible
== Design Calculation ==
Capacity of the Hydrogen Storage : 1 litres
Pressure                        : 8 Bar
Cost                            : Rp. 500.000 (33 US dollar)
Material                        : A36 Sheet Metal
== Code For The Design ==
to make a design code I use the pychram application, first I search to find the optimal thickness, height and volume of the tube with a predetermined budget
and here's the code :
from scipy.optimize moment minimize
def objective_function(x):thickness, sweep, tallness = x[0], x[1], x[2]
# Calculate the weight of the tank (accepting thickness of ASTM A36 sheet metal)density_astm_a36 = 7850 # kg/m^3 (thickness of ASTM A36 sheet metal)volume = 3.14159 * span * sweep * tallness / 1000 # Change over to litersweight = density_astm_a36 * volume# Calculate the fetched of the tank (based on fabric cost per kg)
material_price = 500000 / weight # Rp/kg (most extreme permitted taken a toll isolated by weight)
fetched = weight * material_price
# Characterize the objective work as a combination of weight and fetched# You'll alter the coefficients based on your inclination for weight vs. taken a tollobjective_value = weight + 0.001 * fetchedreturn objective_valuedef constraint(x):thickness, sweep, tallness = x[0], x[1], x[2]
# Volume limitation:
tank volume ought to be 1 liter
volume = 3.14159 * sweep * sweep * stature / 1000 # Change over to liters
# Weight imperative:
tank ought to handle 8 bar weight with a security figure of 2
allowable_stress = 250e6 # Dad (admissible push for ASTM A36 sheet metal)inside_radius = sweep - thickness # Internal span of the tank
weight = 8e5 # Dad (8 bar weight)
stretch = weight * inside_radius / thickness # Push within the tank dividersafety_factor = 2.0 # Security calculatestress_allowable = allowable_stress / safety_factorreturn [volume - 1, # Volume imperative (1 liter)
push - stress_allowable, # Weight limitationthickness - 5, # Least thickness limitation (5 mm)
10 - thickness # Greatest thickness imperative (10 mm)
]# Beginning figure for thickness, sweep, and stature (in mm)
x0 = [10.0, 50.0, 100.0]# Characterize bounds for thickness, sweep, and stature (in mm)
bounds = [(5, 10), # Bounds for thickness (accepted extend from 5 to 10 mm)
(1, 50), # Bounds for sweep (accepted extend from 1 to 50 mm)
(100, 1000) # Bounds for tallness (expected extend from 100 to 1000 mm)]# Define the optimization issueissue = {
'type':'SLSQP','fun':objective_function,'x0':x0,'bounds':bounds,'constraints':[{'type':'ineq', 'fun':lambda x:constraint(x)}]}# Unravel the optimization issueresult = minimize(problem['fun'], x0=problem['x0'], bounds=problem['bounds'], constraints=problem['constraints'], method=problem['type'])# Extricate the ideal arrangementoptimal_thickness, optimal_radius, optimal_height = result.x# Calculate the weight of the tank (accepting thickness of ASTM A36 sheet metal)density_astm_a36 = 7850 # kg/m^3 (thickness of ASTM A36 sheet metal)volume = 3.14159 * optimal_radius * optimal_radius * optimal_height / 1000 # Change over to liters
weight = density_astm_a36 * volume# Calculate the taken a toll of the tank (based on fabric cost per kg)material_price = 500000 / weight # Rp/kg (most extreme permitted taken a toll partitioned by weight)
== Result Of the Code ==
Optimal Height    : 100 mm
Optimal Rdius      : 25  mm
Optimal Thickness  : 5  mm
Price              : Rp. 450.000 (budget emphasis)

Revision as of 18:05, 8 June 2023

Introduction Perkenalkan Nama saya Muhammad Fikri Zulkarnaen dari Teknik Perkapalan angkatan 2021, Saya lahir di Jakarta pada 29 Mei 2003, Saya bersekolah di TK Besuki, SMPN 115 Jakarta, SMAN 3 Jakarta

Resume Pertemuan 26/05/2023

RESUME PERTEMUAN PERTAMA pada peetemuan pertama dengan pak ahmad indra siswantara(DAI) kamu diberi penjelasan tentang ketertarikan terhadap mata kuliah metode numerik. dan pak dai menekankan bahwa kita harus berusaha semaksimal mungkin daripada kita menyontek dan tidak tau arah materi tersebut. penggunaan chatGPT harus dipakai secara maksimal, karena dapat digunakan untuk mencari data konkret. pada ujian dengan pak DAI, blank question sheet dimanaa mahasiswa diharapkan mengerti materi yang diujikan, pak DAI bercerita tentang pengalaman nya mengajar mekanika fluida. lalu pak DAI menunjuk beberapa orang untuk menjelaskan kemabali penjelasan metode numerik dan materi yang telah disampaikan di grup WA. lalu kami diberi tugas untuk mendesain sebuah penerapan metode numerik untuk sebuah alat penyimpanan hidrogen berbentuk tabung

buat desain optimum, volum tabung 1 liter, dengan tekanan 8? desain dengan batasan harga gaboleh lebih dari 500 ribu, untuk mencampur dengan bahan bakar di motor agar lebih irit , pilih material sendiri, lebar dan tinggi sendiri

Hal yang paling penting oleh pak DAI adalah realitas, dimana jika kita tidak merasakan dampaknya, pasti kita akan lupa. lalu pak DAI menjelaskan tentang chatGPT dimana kita harus bisa membuat pertanyaan sebaik mungkin ke sistem tersebut

lalu dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan mengenai dasar pemikiran dan kepercayaan yang kita anut, menjelaskan tentang qbit atu quantum bit, lalu kita diberikn pertanyaan mengenai pembagian dan pengurangan dan diminta menjelaskan mengapa memilih jawaban tersebut, atas dasar apa dan kenapa?

Optimization & Design of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage

according to the given task specifications, I get the following data

Objective : Design and Optimization Of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage

Spesification :

Capacity  : 1 Litres

Pressure Level  : 8 bar

Cost should not exceed Rp.500.000


the first thing i did was to search from several web and data provider for info about the model assigned, i found several examples of shapes and models that are almost similar to the task given, next think i do is use chatGPT as a tool to provide several data of the task given, and here's the data :

as we know, in the given task, we need to make a design and optimization of pressurrized Hydrogen storage system with a capacity of 1 litres, a pressure level of 8 bar, and a maximum material price of $33 (Rp.500.000 Rupiah)

we will need to make some specific design choices. Please note that this design is based on assumptions and approximations, and a real-world implementation would require further engineering and safety considerations

Material Selection

Aluminum Alloy: Aluminum provides a good balance of strength, weight, and cost for pressurized hydrogen storage systems. The selected alloy should have sufficient tensile strength and corrosion resistance.

Cylinder Design

Cylinder Shape: Select a cylindrical shape as it provides structural integrity and efficient use of space.

Cylinder Dimensions: Determine the dimensions based on the desired 1-liter capacity. Let's assume a cylinder with a height of 300 mm and a diameter of 100 mm.

Cylinder Thickness

We need to calculate the reuired wall thickness to ensure the cylinder can withstand the internal pressure of 8 bar. so we can use the formula to calculate the wall thickness, t = (P*D)/(2*S) P is for pressure, D for Diameter and S is Safety Factor

Cylinder End Caps

Design flat end caps that can securely seal the cylinder and withstand the internal pressure. The end caps should be made of the same aluminum alloy as the cylinder body. The thickness of the end caps can be the same as the cylinder wall thickness.

Valve System

we can choose a suitable valve system that allows for easy filling and controlled release of hydrogen. Select a valve that can handle the pressure and is compatible with hydrogen. Consider a cost-effective valve option within the given budget.

Manufacturing Process

Choose a manufacturing process, such as extrusion or deep drawing, that can shape and form the cylinder and end caps from the selected aluminum alloy. Consider the cost-effectiveness and feasibility of the chosen manufacturing process within the given budget.

Cost Considerations

As I have mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph, the maximum price of this design is 33 us dollars, so we need to optimize the design and dimensions to minimize material usage while meeting the pressure and capacity requirements. Consider manufacturing techniques that can help reduce production costs, such as bulk purchasing of materials or economies of scale in production.

The data that I collected in the first week is the most general data from this case, further details will be finalized soon and for the 3D model of the Hydrogen Storage System, it will be done as soon as possible

Design Calculation

Capacity of the Hydrogen Storage : 1 litres Pressure  : 8 Bar Cost  : Rp. 500.000 (33 US dollar) Material  : A36 Sheet Metal

Code For The Design

to make a design code I use the pychram application, first I search to find the optimal thickness, height and volume of the tube with a predetermined budget

and here's the code : from scipy.optimize moment minimize def objective_function(x):thickness, sweep, tallness = x[0], x[1], x[2]

  1. Calculate the weight of the tank (accepting thickness of ASTM A36 sheet metal)density_astm_a36 = 7850 # kg/m^3 (thickness of ASTM A36 sheet metal)volume = 3.14159 * span * sweep * tallness / 1000 # Change over to litersweight = density_astm_a36 * volume# Calculate the fetched of the tank (based on fabric cost per kg)

material_price = 500000 / weight # Rp/kg (most extreme permitted taken a toll isolated by weight) fetched = weight * material_price

  1. Characterize the objective work as a combination of weight and fetched# You'll alter the coefficients based on your inclination for weight vs. taken a tollobjective_value = weight + 0.001 * fetchedreturn objective_valuedef constraint(x):thickness, sweep, tallness = x[0], x[1], x[2]
  2. Volume limitation:

tank volume ought to be 1 liter volume = 3.14159 * sweep * sweep * stature / 1000 # Change over to liters

  1. Weight imperative:

tank ought to handle 8 bar weight with a security figure of 2 allowable_stress = 250e6 # Dad (admissible push for ASTM A36 sheet metal)inside_radius = sweep - thickness # Internal span of the tank weight = 8e5 # Dad (8 bar weight) stretch = weight * inside_radius / thickness # Push within the tank dividersafety_factor = 2.0 # Security calculatestress_allowable = allowable_stress / safety_factorreturn [volume - 1, # Volume imperative (1 liter) push - stress_allowable, # Weight limitationthickness - 5, # Least thickness limitation (5 mm) 10 - thickness # Greatest thickness imperative (10 mm) ]# Beginning figure for thickness, sweep, and stature (in mm) x0 = [10.0, 50.0, 100.0]# Characterize bounds for thickness, sweep, and stature (in mm) bounds = [(5, 10), # Bounds for thickness (accepted extend from 5 to 10 mm) (1, 50), # Bounds for sweep (accepted extend from 1 to 50 mm) (100, 1000) # Bounds for tallness (expected extend from 100 to 1000 mm)]# Define the optimization issueissue = { 'type':'SLSQP','fun':objective_function,'x0':x0,'bounds':bounds,'constraints':[{'type':'ineq', 'fun':lambda x:constraint(x)}]}# Unravel the optimization issueresult = minimize(problem['fun'], x0=problem['x0'], bounds=problem['bounds'], constraints=problem['constraints'], method=problem['type'])# Extricate the ideal arrangementoptimal_thickness, optimal_radius, optimal_height = result.x# Calculate the weight of the tank (accepting thickness of ASTM A36 sheet metal)density_astm_a36 = 7850 # kg/m^3 (thickness of ASTM A36 sheet metal)volume = 3.14159 * optimal_radius * optimal_radius * optimal_height / 1000 # Change over to liters weight = density_astm_a36 * volume# Calculate the taken a toll of the tank (based on fabric cost per kg)material_price = 500000 / weight # Rp/kg (most extreme permitted taken a toll partitioned by weight) fetched 

Result Of the Code

Optimal Height  : 100 mm Optimal Rdius  : 25 mm Optimal Thickness  : 5 mm Price  : Rp. 450.000 (budget emphasis)