Muhammad Anggito Zhafranny

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Fluid Mechanics

Here lies my case studies that examine a set of problems from textbook Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by Munson; Young; Okiishi; and Huebsch. I upload it in form of my handwriting on folio paper, youtube videos and text. Mainly text in Indonesian, i supposed. Mainly created as Mr. DAI instructed it to us as homework. Hope this helps your studies; Tschuss

Chapter 9: Flow Over Immersed Bodies

Summary & Study Case on Folio Click to enlarge.

Chapter ini membahas tentang karakteristik aliran luar yang melewati benda terendam. Contoh terdekatnya adalah Ikan yang berenang didalam air. Aliran luar juga sering disebut aerodinamika. Ilmu ini diaplikasikan dalam mendesain transportasi pesawat terbang, mobil, maupun kapal selam dengan memperhatikan gaya fluida (Lift-Drag) dan Lapisan Batas suatu aliran akibat benda yang terendam.


Chapter 10: Open-Channel Flow