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====Numpy, Scipy, and Matplotlib Module====
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== Numerical Methods ==
== Numerical Methods ==

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Core Python


Python Tutorial

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Numerical Methods

This section serves as my study journal of Numerical Methods through my Fifth Semester at DTM UI.

1st Session

Lecturer : Dr. Ahmad Indra and Dr. Ir. Engkos Kosasih

Date : 02 September 2019


Class is being held at Class GK201. A Computer Laboratory. The class was supposed being held by Mr. Achmad Riadi and Dr. Ir. Engkos A. Kosasih yet suprising moments happen when Dr. Ahmad Indra Siswantara or Pak DAI appearing instead. Pak Engkos appeared after a half hour.

At the beginning, Pak DAI told us the essence of praying before studying, the meaning of our purpose of studying and also the difference of us, engineers and accountant at viewing measurement tolerance before and then we continue to introduction of Numerical Methods. An accountant and economist would see measurement down to every detail like how they counting country's debt down to double digit cent while we engineers are so tolerant at measurements as long as it does not create trouble or mishaps at designed machine or system.

According to Pak Engkos, Numerical Method is simply how to using algorythim and equation we learn from prior subject we learn (ex. Engineering Mathematics) and how to communicate or speak language of computer in order to achieve the results of process a large equation that might be impossible to calculated by human minds alone. Any equations that can be completed with numerics can also be attained by exact way but not vice versa. Human might can calculate first or second order, but in higher order we need to use engineering computation to attain results efficiently and quicker. It's is not something we can calculated with paper in higher order, said Pak Engkos.

Tools of Numerical Methods: Python, C++, Java, etc. Any computation language is eligible to use said Pak DAI and seems picking using python as tools.

2nd Session

Lecturer : Dr. Ahmad Indra Siswantara

Date : 09 September 2019

Iterative Method

There is no term of Common Sense, rather any sense or mind is right and the wrong ones is our intrigue, temptation, and sort off...
- Pak DAI

The Iterative Method is a mathematical way of solving a problem which generates a sequence of approximations. This method is applicable for both linear and nonlinear problems with large number of variables.


mengapa hasilnya 2 tidak 0/0?

Angka bulat itu tidak ada.


  • 0/0 tidak konsisten karena jika persamaan ini dihadapkan dengan beberapa kasus atau argumen maka bisa didapatkan berbeda hasil, padahal jika dalam eksakta, aturannya adalah hasil persamaan tidak bisa diubah, pasti atau bisa disamakan dengan absolut.

ada beberapa aturan yang kita tahu dari persamaan dengan 0 dan bilangan bulat:

  • Jika (a/0)=infinit, jika a=0 maka 0/0=infinit
  • Jika (0/b)=0, jika b=0 maka 0/0=0
  • Jika (c/c)=1, jika c=0 maka 0/0=1

Bisa kita bandingkan dan simpulkan bahwa 0/0 tidak konsisten atau undefined/

New Terms

  • Perhitungan komputasi undefined/tidak konsisten/error tidak dapat muncul hasilnya di komputer.
  • Discrete >< Continous
> Discrete can only take certain values. Not Decimal.
> Continous can take any value (within a range).
  • Algoritma adalah satu susunan instruksi-instruksi untuk penyelesaian masalah.
  • Flowchart a diagram that uses a set of standard graphic symbols to represent the sequence of coded instructions fed into a computer, enabling it to perform specified logical and arithmetical operations.
  • Program consists of compiled code that can run directly from the computer's operating system.

PR / Hiburan

Cari x di persamaan berikut menggunakan peranti lunak Python

3rd Session


Fluid Mechanics

Here lies my case studies that examine a set of problems from textbook Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics by Munson; Young; Okiishi; and Huebsch. I upload it in form of my handwriting on folio paper, youtube videos and text. Mainly text in Indonesian, i supposed. Mainly created as Mr. DAI instructed it to us as homework. Hope this helps your studies; Tschuss

Chapter 8: Viscous Flowin Pipes

Summary & Study Case on Folio Click to enlarge.

Chapter ini membahas tentang karakteristik aliran didalam pipa. Perpindahan energi terjadi akibat terjadi perubahan pressure atau tekanan seiring perpindahan dari titik A ke titik B.


Chapter 9: Flow Over Immersed Bodies

Summary & Study Case on Folio Click to enlarge.

Chapter ini membahas tentang karakteristik aliran luar yang melewati benda terendam. Contoh terdekatnya adalah Ikan yang berenang didalam air. Aliran luar juga sering disebut aerodinamika. Ilmu ini diaplikasikan dalam mendesain transportasi pesawat terbang, mobil, maupun kapal selam dengan memperhatikan gaya fluida (Lift-Drag) dan Lapisan Batas suatu aliran akibat benda yang terendam.


Chapter 10: Open-Channel Flow

Summary & Study Case on Folio Click to enlarge.

Berbeda dengan Bab 8, Bab 10 ini melibatkan aliran-aliran yang mengalir dalam kanal dan pipa yang tidak terisi sepenuhnya. Contoh aslinya adalah sungai yang berada disekeliling kita, tetapi itu masih tergolong rumit karena memerlukan pengukuran geometri dari sungai tersebut. Perbedaan signifikan antara bab 8 dan bab 10 terletak pada perubahan tekanan sebagai penggeraknya. Open-Channel Flow tidak memiliki perubahan tekanan sebagai penggerak melainkan kemiringan atau gradien dasar kanal sebagai penggerak.

Important Equation



Chapter 11: Compressible Flow

Summary & Study Case on Folio Click to enlarge.

Membahas tentang aliran mampu-mampat yang pada dasarnya jika menyertakan persamaan kontinuitas massa, maka densitas juga ikut berubah seiring perpindahannya melewati duct konvergen-divergen atau sebaliknya. Mempelajari karakteristik aliran jika memasuki duct, dalam arti laju dll.



Fluid Mechanics

  1. MUNSON, B. R., YOUNG, D. F., & OKIISHI, T. H. (2006). FUNDAMENTALS OF FLUID MECHANICS. Hoboken, NJ, J. Wiley & Sons.

Numerical Method

  1. KIUSALAAS, J. (2013). NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING WITH PYTHON. Tribeca, NY, Cambridge University Press