Design Development of Strength Testing on Mini Container Construction with Knock-Down System for Multipurpose Vessel Transportation - Evi Elisa Ambarita

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In fact, Indonesia still has a lot of small ports whose facilities are not as compatible as big ports’ such as a container truck and crane with small power which is not able to lift a 20 ft container. Accordingly, those harbours cannot be categorized as a cargo port. Therefore, this study proposed a mini container design with dimension and mass of 12 times smaller than the regular container so that it can be carried only by a pick-up car and forklift. Moreover, this mini container was especially designed with known-down system to minimize the space and decrease the centre or gravity while toting it in empty condition. The inventor software was utilized to design and simulate mini container, also to test its material strength well known as stress analysis. The software applies finite element method (FEM) to subdivide a large system into smaller and simpler parts. To be able to run simulations, a mesh, consisting of up to millions of small elements that together form the shape of the structure needs to be created. Calculations are made for every single element. Combining the individual results gives the result of the structure. Afterwards, the simulation was conducted by inputting the stress distribution of force value and the fixed constraint. The result of this numerical method was represented the von mises stress, 1st and 3rd principal stress to obtain the occurred displacement when there was bending on the object. Based on the simulation and calculation, this mini container was concluded to meet the ISO standard about size and material of container to carry cargo for multipurpose vessel transportation.

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