Ahmad Nawwar Darydzaky
My heart work to encode, my brain decodes.
My name is Nawwar, writing this on my first day of Pak DAI class.
Learned a new problem solving method called "DAI5". The DAI5 framework is a structured problem-solving approach centered on conscious thinking, created by Dr. Ahmad Indra. It involves four main stages:
1. Intention: Establishing a clear objective or purpose, ensuring the process is focused and purposeful from the start.
2. Initial Thinking: An exploratory phase where ideas are brainstormed freely without judgment, allowing a variety of perspectives and solutions to emerge.
3. Idealization: This phase encourages envisioning the best possible solution without current practical constraints, promoting creativity and aspiration.
4. Instruction Set: The final phase converts the idealized solutions into actionable steps, ensuring the ideas are grounded in reality and executable.
The DAI5 framework is widely applicable in engineering and technical fields, such as Finite Element Analysis (FEA), where it helps to systematically break down complex problems. By separating analysis into intentional and iterative steps, DAI5 supports efficient, detailed simulations in areas like stress, thermal, and flow analysis, making it highly suitable for structured engineering solutions.
In my opinion, DAI5 framework also works on our day-to-day life. Everything should have an intention, why we want to do that? What are the motivations?. Continues to understanding the ideas, looking for the best answer, and finally creating a realistic solution.
Eksperimen terlalu lama, perlu biaya. Salah satu cara untuk memiminalisir hal itu adalah dengan cara komputasi. Komputasi digunakan untuk memastikan atau membuktikan apakah desain yang kita buat sudah berhasil atau sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan. Konsep dasar:
Perjalanan setelah minggu pertama, percakapan dengan Chat GPT
Setelah pertemuan di minggu pertama mata kuliah Komputasi Teknik, kami diminta untuk "berdiskusi" bersama Chat GPT untuk penyelesesaian persamaan differensial parsial (PDE) 1 dimensi yang berkaitan dengan topik riset kami. Disini, saya berdiskusi terkait penggunaan DAI5 dalam menyelesaikan PDP 1 dimensi untuk teknik pembakaran.
Dalam penerapan DAI5 Framework pada teknik pembakaran, proses pemodelan dilakukan untuk memahami distribusi suhu dalam ruang pembakaran satu dimensi (1D). Tahapannya:
- Intention: Menetapkan tujuan untuk memahami bagaimana panas didistribusikan sepanjang ruang pembakaran agar desain lebih efisien dan aman.
- Initial Thinking: Menyusun asumsi awal, seperti lingkungan satu dimensi dan kondisi stasioner, untuk menyederhanakan persamaan diferensial yang akan diselesaikan.
- Idealization: Membayangkan solusi ideal, yaitu profil suhu yang stabil dan efisien, sebagai panduan dalam pengembangan solusi.
- Instruction Set: Menyusun langkah-langkah terperinci, termasuk penggunaan metode beda hingga untuk menyelesaikan persamaan konduksi panas dengan sumber panas internal.
Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, pendekatan ini mencerminkan cara berpikir terstruktur, misalnya, saat menyelesaikan masalah secara bertahap atau merencanakan tujuan jangka panjang. Pemikiran seperti ini membantu kita untuk fokus pada niat awal, berpikir secara luas namun terarah, serta menetapkan langkah-langkah konkret agar ide-ide ideal dapat diwujudkan. Dalam konteks sehari-hari, ini mirip dengan bagaimana kita dapat menetapkan tujuan hidup, memetakan langkah-langkah awal, membayangkan hasil ideal, dan akhirnya mengeksekusi langkah-langkah tersebut dengan penuh kesadaran dan disiplin.
Tautan percakapan
Application in Continuum Mechanics and Structural Analysis using DAI5 Framework
Continuum mechanics treats materials as continuous masses without discrete particles, ideal for describing stress, strain, and deformation in materials under load. This approach is foundational in engineering for tasks like structural analysis and stress testing, where uniform material properties are assumed throughout the structure. Key to continuum mechanics is understanding that every point in a material body can undergo continuous deformation, providing predictability in load-bearing applications.
DAI5 Framework: Review
The DAI5 framework comprises four main stages, applied here to continuum mechanics and structural analysis:
- Intention: Setting a clear goal. In structural analysis, the goal may be to understand stress distribution under load, such as the deformation of a metal rod under tension.
- Initial Thinking: Formulating initial assumptions, such as assuming homogeneous and isotropic material properties, which simplify calculations.
- Idealization: Developing a theoretical or ideal model, such as the assumption of uniform stress distribution across a rod's cross-section under load.
- Instruction Set: Translating theory into actionable steps using mathematical and computational methods, like the Finite Difference Method, to solve relevant equations.
Practical Example: 1D Deformation of a Metal Rod Under Tension
Consider a metal rod stretched by a force applied along its length. For simplicity, let’s examine this system in one dimension. Here, the rod's deformation can be described by the 1D linear elasticity equation derived from Hooke's Law:
Steps for Analysis Using DAI5 Framework
- Intention: Determine how deformation distributes across the rod under a steady load.
- Initial Thinking: Assume the material is isotropic and behaves linearly under small deformations.
- Idealization: An ideal profile would show a uniform stress and strain distribution across the rod’s length.
- Instruction Set: Apply numerical methods to solve for deformation. For example, the Finite Difference Method (FDM) can approximate the solution by dividing the rod into discrete points and iterating to find stress and strain at each point.
Python Code Example
Here is a Python code example to compute deformation using given parameters. It calculates stress, strain, and the resulting change in length (ΔL) of a metal rod under a given force.
import numpy as np
F = 1000 # Applied force (N)
A = 0.01 # Cross-sectional area (m^2)
E = 2e11 # Young's modulus (Pa)
L = 1.0 # Original length of the rod (m)
--Stress calculation
sigma = F / A
--Strain calculation
epsilon = sigma / E
--Change in length calculation
delta_L = epsilon * L
print("Stress (σ):", sigma, "Pa")
print("Strain (ε):", epsilon)
print("Change in Length (ΔL):", delta_L, "meters")
This code will results:
Stress (σ): 100000.0 Pa
Strain (ε): 5e-07
Change in Length (ΔL): 5e-07 meters
Reflection on Continuum Mechanics and DAI5 Integration
In continuum mechanics, the DAI5 framework’s emphasis on conscious continuum integrates smoothly with engineering analysis, where continuous fields, like stress and strain, are fundamental. By treating materials as continuous entities, the DAI5 approach can guide engineers to develop predictable and reliable designs, ensuring structural safety under various load conditions. This has real-world relevance in applications ranging from bridge design to the safety of mechanical components in vehicles.
The DAI5 framework, when applied to continuum mechanics, supports a structured approach to understanding and solving engineering problems. It enables efficient, predictable analysis in fields like structural mechanics, providing engineers with a systematic methodology to approach material deformation and stress analysis.