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Revision as of 10:21, 8 June 2023 by Miftahul.nadya (talk | contribs) (PROGRESS I : CASE STUDY OF HYDROGEN STORAGE OPTIMIZATION PROJECT)
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One way to store hydrogen is as gasoline, with the additional advantage that carbon is stored along with the hydrogen, both being good sources of energy.

The two downsides of gasoline are

(i) when used to power heat engines its efficiency is in the range 20–30% (a fundamental limitation of the Carnot and Otto cycles), and

(ii) although the H2O emitted by burning hydrogen is good for the planet, the CO2 emitted by burning carbon causes global warming.

Hydrogen stored at 70 MPa (700 atmospheres) as in all passenger fuel cell vehicles today has various downsides including

(i) the high cost of compressing it and then refrigerating it to -50 °C to permit fast fill, and

(ii) the insanely high factor of 15 in tank weight to contents weight.

At 70 MPa the density of H2 is about half that of liquid hydrogen at 0.06 g/cc. Neither compression nor liquefaction is as effective as chemistry in pulling hydrogen atoms together as in gasoline. The question then arises as to what chemical solutions besides those like gasoline that contain carbon exist. Ordinary compressed gas cylinders suffice for a large number of regular applications like welding and small scale semiconductor R&D applications.

Material of Storage

Tank made from carbon fiber with a metal liner (Aluminium or steel).

Let's see metal matrix composite. Approximate maximum pressure, aluminium/carbon 700 bars (70 MPa; 10,000 psi).

Dimensions of the storage cylinder

V = πr^2 x h


V = Volume/Capasity = 1 L = 1000 dm^3

π = 3,14

r = radius (dm)

h = height (dm)

1000 = π x 5^2 x h (Assumption D = 10 dm)

1000/(π x 25) = h

h = 12.73 = 13 dm

Hydrogen Storage Design

Link Google Drive : usp=sharing[1]