Mabel Agung Nugroho

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Resume Pertemuan 1 (26/05/2023)

Pada pertemuan pertama kemarin, Saya mempelajari bahwa Metode numerik banyak digunakan dalam rekayasa untuk memecahkan masalah matematika yang kompleks dan mensimulasikannya di dunia nyata. lalu saat pertemuan pertama juga diberikan subuah soal (x+1)(x-1)/(x-1) = 2, jika kita melakukan substitusi, dalam matematika, pembagian dengan nol tidak terdefinisi. Tidak mungkin membagi angka apa pun dengan nol dan mendapatkan hasil yang berarti. Jika Anda mencoba membagi 1 dengan 0 dalam operasi matematika atau kalkulator, biasanya Anda akan menemui kesalahan atau hasil yang tidak terdefinisi. Namun, jika kita melakukan eliminasi, kita mendapatkan jawabannya adalah 2. Jadi, dalam hal ini kita harus memiliki perubahan antara tak terdefinisi atau 2. dan Pada pertemuan ini juga Pak DAI menugaskan untuk membuat tabung hidrogen dengan volume 1 liter bertekanan 8 bar.

Design & Optimization of Pressurized Hydrogen

Objective: Design and Optimization Specification

Capacity: 1 L

Pressure level: 8 bar

Maximum cost: Rp500.000

Designing and optimizing a pressurized hydrogen storage system with a 1-liter capacity and 8-bar pressure within a budget of Rp 500,000 will indeed require careful consideration of materials and dimensions to optimize cost. Here are some suggestions to help you achieve that:

1. Tank Selection:

-Look for affordable and readily available tanks that can withstand the desired pressure of 8 bar.

-Consider using smaller tanks made of materials like steel or aluminum, which are generally more cost-effective compared to carbon fiber tanks.

-Ensure that the tank you choose meets safety standards and has the necessary certifications.

2. Tank Material:

-Opt for a cost-effective tank material that meets safety requirements and can handle the desired pressure.

-Steel or aluminum tanks are commonly used for hydrogen storage and offer good strength and affordability.

-Carbon fiber tanks are lightweight but tend to be more expensive. Consider them only if they fit within your budget.

3. Tank Dimensions:

-Aim for a 1-liter capacity tank with the smallest possible dimensions to optimize cost.

-Work with manufacturers or suppliers to find a tank size that fits within your budget constraints.

4. Safety Considerations:

-Ensure that the tank has safety features like pressure relief valves to prevent over-pressurization.

-Follow proper handling, storage, and transportation guidelines to ensure safety.

5. Cost Optimization:

-Compare prices from different suppliers and manufacturers to find the most cost-effective options for tanks and associated components.

-Consider purchasing from reputable suppliers to ensure quality and reliability.

6. System Integration:

-Plan for the integration of the storage system with other components, such as valves, fittings, and pressure regulators, while keeping cost optimization in mind.

It's essential to note that the cost of hydrogen storage systems can vary based on various factors, including location, availability of resources, and market fluctuations. Conduct thorough research, consult experts, and obtain detailed quotations from suppliers to ensure you can achieve your desired design within your budget constraints.