Febry Panrita

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Assalammulaikum, Perkenalkan saya Febry Panrita sebagai mahasiswa Teknik Perkapalan Universitas Indonesia tahun 2021

Resume Perkuliahan 26/05/2023

Pertemuan pertama tanggal 26/05, Pak DAI menjelaskan kepada mahasiswa bagaimana cara mengejar yang beliau sisipkan pada kita yaitu melalui Consiousness atau kesadaran diri kita sendiri. Sebelum mencari dari penyelesaian masalah, kita sebagai mahasiswa harus paham apa itu Consiousness agar dapat penyelesaian atau solusi yang lebih baik dan mempertimbangkan dari segala arah sudut pandang terhadap masalah tersebut. Hal ini Pak DAI contohkan pada study case yaitu berupa soal operasi matematika. Kita sebelumnnya beranggapan bahwa sebuah operasi/masalah matematika pasti akan memiliki solusis atau penyelesaian nilai yang eksak atau pasti, namun pada study case tersebut memberikan hasil yang tidak pasti. Pada pertemuan pada tanggal 26/05 juga Pak DAI menugaskan untuk membuat tabung hidrogen dengan volume 1 liter bertekanan 8 bar yang mana kita harus membuatnya dengan maksimal budget sebesar Rp 500.000. Pada akhir kelas Pak DAI juga menekankan kepada kita sebagai mahasiswa untuk ikut kelas tidak hanya menitipkan absen, karena dengan ikut perkuliahan kita sebagai mahasiswa dapat manfaat yang membuat kita semakin berubah untuk masa depan.

Design and Optimization of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage System

A Pressurized Hydrogen System refers to a system that stores hydrogen gas under high pressure. It is a method of storing and transporting hydrogen in its gaseous form, usually compressed to achieve a higher energy density.


- Volume    : 1 L
- Pressure  : 8 Bar
- Cost      : Rp 500.000

Designing a hydrogen systems involves several considerations to ensure its safety and efficient. Iam using chatGPT to know the step to make hydrogen systems. So here are the step that we have to follow :

Determine the Capacity and Size

Decide how much hydrogen you want to store in the tank. This capacity will affect the size and dimensions of the tank. Also, consider the energy requirements that the hydrogen will provide. In this case, the tank has to be 1-Liter Sized.

Select Tank Material

Hydrogen tanks are typically made from materials that are strong and capable of withstanding high pressures. Common materials used include alloy steel or carbon fiber reinforced with epoxy resin. Make sure the selected material has sufficient resistance to hydrogen corrosion.

Determine Working Pressure

Hydrogen can be stored in tanks either in compressed form or as a liquid. For compression storage, determine the working pressure based on your application needs. Higher working pressures require tanks with thicker and stronger walls.

Design Tank Structure

Hydrogen tanks usually have a cylindrical design with end caps. In the design, consider structural strength, tank mass, and thermal performance to avoid leaks or structural failures.

Consider Safety Systems

Safety is a critical aspect of hydrogen tank design. Ensure that the tank is equipped with pressure relief valves, and other necessary safety features to reduce the risk of hazards or accidents.

Cost Optimization

Minimize costs by considering factors such as material selection, manufacturing processes, and economies of scale because in this case the maximum cost to spend is Rp 500.000. Explore different manufacturing techniques, such as filament winding or automated fiber placement, to optimize production costs.

Test and Validation

Once the design is complete, conduct testing and validation to ensure the tank meets the required standards and safety regulations. Pressure tests, leak tests, and strength tests are some examples of tests that can be performed.