Muhammad Irfan Septian Nugraha

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Salam Kenal semua, perkenalkan nama saya Muhammad Irfan Septian Nugraha dengan NPM 2106706994

Resume Pertemuan 26/5/2022

Pada pertemuan ini saya mempelajari bahwa metode numerik merupakan sebuah metode penyelesaian dimana untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah menggunakan pendekatan pendekatan tertentu.Dalam metode ini nilai yang didapat merupakan nilai yang bukan exact, karena sesuatu yang exact hanya Tuhan YME. Kesadaran diri dan pemikiran yang terbuka memainkan peran penting dalam kehidupan kita. Pada pertemuan ini Pak DAI menjelaskan sekilas tentang penugasan kepada mahasiswa untuk mendesain tabung hydrogen 8 bar dengan batasan berupa produksi dari tabung tersebut harus kurang dari Rp500.000 . Alasan tugas ini diberikan karena mengingat energy hydrogen ini di masa depan diharapkan bisa menjadi solusi energi yang tidak menimbulkan polusi.

Design & Optimization of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage


Design and Optimization


Capacity : 1 L

Pressure Level : 8 bar


Cost should not exceed Rp. 500 K

Week 1 Progress

to design this hydrogen tube I tried to use existing tools, one of which is ChatGPT. I use ChatGPT to find the information I need. The following are the results of responses and information searches from ChatGPT.

When designing hydrogen cylinders, there are several factors to consider to ensure safety and efficient hydrogen storage. Here are some key points to consider:

Material Selection: Choose materials that are resistant to high pressure and have good hydrogen corrosion resistance. Materials such as carbon fiber, aluminum, or specific metal alloys are often used in hydrogen cylinder designs. Ensure that the cylinder has sufficient strength to withstand high hydrogen pressures.

Safety Venting: Ensure that the hydrogen cylinder has a safe venting system to prevent excessive hydrogen buildup. This is important to prevent fire or explosion hazards in case of leaks or sudden pressure release.

Heat Dissipation: The hydrogen cylinder design should incorporate effective heat dissipation. Hydrogen can quickly heat up during refilling or usage, so a good heat dissipation mechanism is necessary to prevent dangerous temperature increases.

Effective Sealing: Ensure that the sealing system of the hydrogen cylinder is well-designed and capable of preventing hydrogen leaks. Hydrogen leaks can lead to the accumulation of hazardous gas and increase the risk of fire or explosion.

Measurement and Monitoring Systems: Hydrogen cylinders should be equipped with accurate measurement and monitoring systems to monitor pressure, temperature, and hydrogen levels inside the cylinder. This is important for ensuring safe and efficient use of the cylinder.

Certification and Regulations: Ensure that the design of the hydrogen cylinder complies with applicable standards and regulations in the hydrogen storage industry. Certification from relevant authorities should be obtained to ensure the safety and quality of the cylinder.

Additionally, when designing hydrogen cylinders, factors such as size, weight, practicality, and ease of use should also be considered. It is recommended to consult with experienced design experts and engineers in the field of hydrogen storage to obtain an optimal cylinder design.