Riyo agung pamungkas

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Resume 26/05/2023

Pada pertemuan pertama, saya mempelajari bahwa metode nemuerik adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan suatu permasalahan matematika yang kompleks melalui pendekatan secara numerikal. Matematika adalah ilmu pasti, akan tetapi kemarin saya menyadari bahkan di matematika pun tidak semua jawaban absolut atau eksak (pasti). Contoh dari soal (x-1)^2/(x-1) dengan x = 1. Apabila langsung disubstitusikan maka hasilnya ada 0/0 atau tidak terdefinisikan, sedangkan apabila dijabarkan melalui pendekatan secara limit, maka hasilnya adalah 2. Akan tetapi 2 juga bukan merupakan jawaban eksak karena pendekatan secara limit menjadikan x mendekati 1, bukan x = 1 (absolut). Oleh karena itu, di dunia ini yang abosolut hanyalah Tuhan Yang Maha Esa. Pada pertemuan kemarin, saya juga mempelajari tentang “counciousness”. Dalam menyelesaikann suatu permasalahan, kita harus “councious” mengenai permasalahan tersebut dan mencari solusi untuk menyelesaikannya. Selain itu, kami juga mendapatkan tugas untuk mendesain 1 liter tabung hidrogen dengan tekanan 8 bar dan biaya maksimal Rp. 500.000,00

Design & Optimization of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage

Design & optimization of pressurized hydrogen storage with maximum cost Rp 500.000,-


Volume : 1 liter

Pressure : 8 bar


Designing and optimizing a pressurized hydrogen storage system with a 1-liter capacity and 8-bar pressure within a budget of Rp 500.000,- involves careful consideration of materials, dimensions, and cost optimization. Here's a design and optimization approach:

Material Selection

To meet the budget constraint, consider using high-density polyethylene (HDPE) as the material for the storage system. HDPE is cost-effective and offers good chemical resistance.

Container Design

Shape: Design a cylindrical container, as it is a common and practical shape for pressurized storage. Dimensions: Determine the container dimensions based on the desired volume and pressure. The container's volume is fixed at 1 liter, and the pressure is 8 bar.

Wall Thickness: Calculate the required wall thickness using the Barlow's formula: t = (P * D) / (2 * S), where P is the pressure (8 bar), D is the diameter of the container, and S is the allowable stress for HDPE. Ensure the calculated wall thickness is within the manufacturing capabilities and budget constraints.

Optimization Strategies

Material Cost: Compare prices from different HDPE suppliers to select the most cost-effective option. Manufacturing Process: Consider extrusion or injection molding processes for HDPE container fabrication, as they can be cost-effective for producing cylindrical shapes.

Size Optimization: Optimize the dimensions of the container to minimize material usage and manufacturing costs while still meeting the required volume and pressure specifications. This can be achieved by adjusting the diameter and height of the container.

Safety Considerations: Incorporate safety features into the design, such as pressure relief devices and adherence to safety standards and regulations for hydrogen storage.