Artha Danaraja Dewantoro

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Nama saya Artha Danaraja Dewantoro dengan NPM 2106731106, lahir pada tanggal 11 April 2003 di Jakarta Selatan. Saya berdomisili di Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan dengan keluarga saya. Saya mahasiswa semester 4 Teknik Perkapalan.

Resume Pertemuan 1 (26/05/2023)

Pada pertemuan pertama Metode Numerik yang diampu Pak DAI, kita belajar tentang conscioussness in learning. Consciousness atau kesadaran merupakan kemampuan individu untuk menyadari dan mengalami dunia di sekitarnya. Kali ini, Pak DAI mengimplementasikan consciouscness kedalam penyelesaian operasi matematika. Kita selalu berasumsi bahwa matematika adalah sesuatu yang eksak, namun ada kasus dimana hasil operasi tersebut tidak pasti. Disitulah kesadaran kita sebagai manusia digunakan, dimana kita harus ingat hanya Tuhan yang memiliki kebenaran mutlak. Kita juga ditugaskan untuk mendesain dan optimasi penyimpanan hydrogen bertekanan dengan kapasitas 1 L dan tekanan 8 bar.

Design and Optimization of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage System

Objective Design and optimize pressurized hydrogen storage systems


Capacity: 1L

Pressure Level: 8 bar

Cost: >500k

Week 1

In this project, I used the help of AI to guide me in designing and optimizing a hydrogen storage system. I used ChatGPT in helping me outline the process and here is its response.

To design and optimize a pressurized hydrogen storage system with a capacity of 1 liter and a pressure level of 8 bar, we can consider the following factors:

Tank Material: Select a material suitable for storing hydrogen gas under high pressure. Common choices include high-strength steel alloys or carbon fiber reinforced composites. Both materials have been used in commercial hydrogen storage tanks.

Tank Dimensions: Determine the dimensions of the tank based on its desired capacity. Since you require a 1-liter capacity, the tank dimensions should be calculated to accommodate this volume.

Tank Pressure Rating: Ensure that the tank has a pressure rating of at least 8 bar (800 kPa). It's essential to choose a material and design that can safely withstand this pressure level.

Tank Design: The tank should have a cylindrical shape with hemispherical or elliptical ends, commonly known as a pressure vessel. This shape provides efficient strength and pressure containment.

Safety Features: Incorporate necessary safety features into the tank design. This includes a pressure relief valve to prevent over-pressurization and a burst disc or rupture disc that will rupture if the pressure exceeds the maximum allowed limit.

Fittings and Connections: Select appropriate fittings and connections for filling and emptying the tank, such as a hydrogen-compatible valve and pressure gauge. Make sure these components can handle the desired pressure level.

Insulation: Insulate the tank to minimize heat transfer and maintain the hydrogen's temperature. Proper insulation reduces energy losses and helps keep the pressure stable.

Mounting and Support: Consider the tank's mounting and support requirements. Depending on the application, you may need to incorporate brackets, straps, or other mechanisms to secure the tank in place.

Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that your design adheres to relevant safety regulations and standards for hydrogen storage systems. Consult local codes or industry guidelines to guarantee compliance.

It's important to note that designing a hydrogen storage system requires expertise and consideration of various factors beyond the scope of this text. Consulting with professionals and experts in hydrogen storage is recommended to ensure the design is safe, efficient, and compliant with relevant regulations.