Muhamad Azkhariandra Aryaputra
Name: Muhamad Azkhariandra Aryaputra
NPM: 2106657765
Major: Mechanical Engineering KKI
DoB: 1 January 2003
Hello everyone !
My name is Muhamad Azkhariandra Aryaputra, you can call me Azkha. Right now I'm a Mechanical Engineering student at University of Indonesia and taking Numerical Method class with Pak DAI as the lecturer.
Hydrogen Storage Optimization
Hydrogen storage optimization entails enhancing hydrogen storage technologies' efficiency, capacity, safety, and cost-effectiveness. Because hydrogen has a low energy density, efficient storage is essential for its broad use as an energy carrier.
One of the case study of hydrogen storage optimization is Long-Term Hydrogen Storage—A Case Study Exploring Pathways and Investments. Future low-carbon energy systems require radical changes to the structure and operation of the system. Planning for such a future requires complex modelling solutions which must be capable of adequately capturing a high degree of sector coupling at high levels of operational and temporal detail. Insufficient levels of model detail leads to misleading solutions, for example the under estimation of renewables integration costs and curtailment levels, and subsequently over investments in renewable generation. Hydrogen technologies can provide solutions on both the supply and demand side. However it is essential that these investments are not considered in isolation. Hydrogen electrolysers and generators such Hydrogen fuelled CAES can have a synergistic impact on renewable generation investments where investments in one would not be economically viable without the other. Seasonal storage, such as underground Hydrogen storage, can play a vital role in the long-term balancing of the energy system. However, it is difficult to optimise as part of a standard investment model. New methodologies are emerging which allow both investments in and operation of seasonal storage to be optimised, such as using ordered representative periods, mapped to equivalent periods across the year.