Vynna Alviolina Indriyana
Hi everyone! My name's Vynna, I'm a student in Numerical Method 1 Class. My student Number is 2106634036. Here, I'll upload my progress in the class. Hopefully through this page, I can increase my conscious learning and spread knowledges to readers.
This content will be updated weekly after discussion meeting with Mr. Ahmad Indra Siswantara in class.
Numerical Method Use in Mechanical Engineering (22/5/2023)
In the class, we've been introduced to the concept of "I am my consciousness". We fully control our consciousness to think, learn, and act. It what makes us different from Artificial Intelligence. They may able to store large number of data, but we have consciousness that can utilize that data to solve real life problems. We've also been introduced to CCIT (Cara Cepat Ingat Tuhan). Nothing perfect in this world, except the Lord Allah SWT Himself. Our knowledge is just a speck of dust in this world, therefore we need to keep learning.
After that we start our discussion regarding numerical method use in mechanical engineering. I state my opinion : "I've been told by my lecturer in CAD/CAM class that we need numerical method as an approach of machine works. For example, the milling machine is programmed to machining at some exact points. But in the reality, no computer able to reach specific points. It uses numerical method approach to the point with error the tolerance number that has been set by operator."
Other students also stated their opinion and it can be sum up to these :
1. Program manufacture machines
2. Solve problems with lot of variables
3. Calculate real system simulation
4. Solve complex system that hardly solved by analytic method
5. Formulate mathematical model of system
All assignments here can be done with deep researching and help from Artificial Intelligence that elaborated with conscious thinking. References will be linked at the end of the quotes.