Ahmad Naufal 'Alim Arrasyid

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Saya Ahmad Naufal 'Alim Arrasyid

Progress Update Week One

What is a Hydrogen Storage?A hydrogen storage tank is a specialized container designed to store and hold hydrogen gas safely and efficiently. Hydrogen, being the lightest and most abundant element in the universe, is increasingly being considered as a potential energy carrier for various applications, including transportation, energy storage, and industrial processes.

Hydrogen storage tanks are crucial for enabling the practical use and transportation of hydrogen gas. They need to meet specific requirements to ensure the safety and integrity of the stored hydrogen. Here are some key aspects of hydrogen storage tanks:

1. Material: Hydrogen storage tanks are typically constructed using high-strength materials capable of containing the high-pressure hydrogen gas. Common materials include steel, carbon fiber composites, aluminum, or a combination of these materials. The chosen material must exhibit suitable strength, durability, and resistance to hydrogen embrittlement.

2. Pressure: Hydrogen is often stored under high pressure to maximize its energy density. Hydrogen storage tanks can be categorized into three main types based on pressure levels: high-pressure tanks (350-700 bar), medium-pressure tanks (100-350 bar), and low-pressure tanks (up to 100 bar). The pressure rating depends on the application and the amount of hydrogen to be stored.

3. Tank Design: Hydrogen storage tanks come in various designs, including cylindrical, spherical, or prismatic shapes. Each design offers specific advantages in terms of storage capacity, weight, and structural integrity. For example, spherical tanks are known for their high volumetric capacity, while cylindrical tanks are relatively easier to manufacture.

4. Safety Measures: Safety is of paramount importance in hydrogen storage. Tanks are equipped with safety features such as pressure relief devices, rupture discs, and thermal management systems to prevent overpressure situations, manage temperature variations, and minimize the risk of explosion or leakage.

5. Insulation: To minimize hydrogen losses and maintain the desired temperature, storage tanks may be insulated. Insulation helps reduce heat transfer, prevents hydrogen boil-off, and improves overall energy efficiency.

It's worth noting that the development of advanced hydrogen storage technologies is an active area of research. Researchers are exploring alternative methods for hydrogen storage, such as solid-state materials, metal hydrides, chemical storage systems, and cryogenic storage, to enhance storage capacity, safety, and cost-effectiveness.

Overall, hydrogen storage tanks play a crucial role in the practical utilization and distribution of hydrogen as an energy carrier, providing a means to store and transport this versatile gas for a wide range of applications.