Marsya Wahine Jasmine

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Hello everyone!!

File:Marsya Wahine.jpg

Nama saya Marsya Wahine Jasmine dengan NPM 2106653104. Saya merupakan 1 dari 21 orang wanita yang ada di jurusan teknik mesin UI angkatan 2021.


Pada kelas kemarin, kami banyak membahas tentang consciousness yang diperlukan untuk bisa berfikir, dalam konteks kemarin untuk mengerjakan soal (X^2 -1)/(X-1) jika x=1. Dan ini jawaban yang saya kirim via WA grup, as we all know that the expression x²-1/x-1 is an indeterminate form, so in order to obtain the answer to the expression, it needs to be transformed into the equation (x+1)(x-1)/(x-1).

Indeterminate forms are mathematical expressions that do not yield a single answer in their operation results. Therefore, different answers can be obtained depending on the approach used. Given that x=1, we can substitute it into the transformed equation and obtain 2 as the answer. However, we can also obtain 0 using a different method.

If we directly substitute x=1 into the equation, we get a result of 0. The obtained result is 0/0, where 0/0 is equal to x. From the equation, we can derive the form (0)(x)=0, and we know that any number multiplied by 0 will result in 0. Therefore, the value of the equation above cannot be determined.