Farras Hafizh Al Farisi

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0/ Introduction

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Halo semua, saya Farras Hafizh Al Farisi dengan NPM 2106635846 mahasiswa Metode Numerik 01.
Berikut merupakan kumpulan tulisan saya selama mempelajari Metode Numerik serta selama mengakumulasi pemahaman mengenai makna mendalam Consciousness.

1/ Hydrogen Storage Optimization

What does Hydrogen Storage Optimization specifically mean?
A process which involves finding the most efficient and cost-effective methods to store hydrogen while meeting specific requirements such as volume, pressure, and cost limitations. It typically focuses on maximizing storage capacity, minimizing energy losses, and reducing costs associated with storage infrastructure. Let's explore a real case study that meets your specified requirements.

Specific Requirements
Let's create a specific case study to better examine the process
The specific requirements are 1 liter (1000 cm^3) of Hydrogen with 8 bar (800 kPa) Pressure with a maximum cost of Rp 500.000


Hydrogen Storage Type: Metal Hydride Storage System
Metal hydride storage is a promising method for hydrogen storage optimization. It involves the use of solid-state materials capable of absorbing and releasing hydrogen gas through a reversible chemical reaction. These materials, known as metal hydrides, can store hydrogen at relatively low pressures and densities, making them suitable for compact and safe storage.
Let's examine the potential of using a commercially available metal hydride alloy, such as LaNi5, as a case study. LaNi5 is a well-known metal hydride alloy that exhibits high hydrogen storage capacity and reasonable thermodynamic properties. It can absorb and desorb hydrogen gas at relatively low pressures, making it suitable for our requirements.

Specific Calculations
For this case study, let's assume we need a storage system that can store 1 liter (1000 cm³) of hydrogen gas at 8 bar (800 kPa) pressure. LaNi5 has a hydrogen storage capacity of approximately 1.5 wt% (weight percent). Therefore, we would need about 67 grams of LaNi5 alloy to store 1 liter of hydrogen.
Considering the cost limitation of Rp 500,000, the cost of LaNi5 alloy can vary depending on factors such as market demand, supplier, and quantity. However, assuming a reasonable cost range of Rp 5,000 to Rp 10,000 per gram of LaNi5, the cost of 67 grams would be within the specified budget, ranging from Rp 335,000 to Rp 670,000

Other Considerations: Metal Hydride Storage System Advantages
Metal hydride storage systems offer advantages such as moderate operating temperatures, inherent safety due to the chemical stability of metal hydrides, and the ability to store hydrogen at low pressures. However, they also have limitations, including relatively slow hydrogen absorption and desorption kinetics, which can affect the system's efficiency and performance.