Jesaya Marcel Gloryus

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Biodata Diri

Jesaya Marcel Gloryus


Mekanika Fluida-02

Komponen Nilai

1. Value (adab)

2. Knowledge (Faham: konsep & teori)

3. Ketrampilan (trampil menerapkan konsep, hands-on, analytical skill)

Tell me the formula to calculate different pressure of fluids in U pipe that has different height

The pressure difference between two points in a fluid can be calculated using the following formula:

ΔP = ρgh

where ΔP is the pressure difference between the two points, ρ is the density of the fluid, g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height difference between the two points.

In a U-tube manometer, two different fluids of different densities are used to measure the pressure difference between two points. Let's assume that the left arm of the U-tube contains fluid 1 of density ρ1 and height h1, and the right arm contains fluid 2 of density ρ2 and height h2.

The pressure difference between the two points is given by:

ΔP = (P1 - P2) = ρ1gh1 - ρ2gh2

where P1 is the pressure at the left point and P2 is the pressure at the right point.

Since the two arms of the U-tube are open to the atmosphere, the pressure at the top of the fluids in the two arms is the same and can be taken as atmospheric pressure. Therefore, P1 = Patm + ρ1gh1 and P2 = Patm + ρ2gh2, where Patm is the atmospheric pressure.

Substituting these values in the above equation, we get:

ΔP = (P1 - P2) = (ρ1 - ρ2)gh

where h = h1 - h2 is the height difference between the two fluids.

So, the pressure difference between two points in a U-tube manometer with different height fluids can be calculated using the above formula, provided the densities of the fluids and the height difference between them are known.


1. Jelaskan mekanisme kerja manometer analog

Manometer analog adalah perangkat yang mengukur tekanan fluida, seperti air, menggunakan prinsip mekanis. Pengukur terdiri dari beberapa komponen kunci yang bekerja sama untuk menampilkan pembacaan tekanan.

a. Bourdon Tube

  Bourdon tube adalah tabung logam elastis dalam bentuk melengkung/lengkungan. Saat tekanan fluida meningkat, tabung menjadi sedikit lurus karena ujung tabung bergerak. 
  Gerakan ini diterjemahkan ke dalam pengukuran tekanan pada permukaan pengukur (pointer dan dial).

b. Pointer

  Bourdon tube terhubung ke Pointer dan bergerak sepanjang dial yang dikalibrasi untuk menunjukkan pembacaan tekanan. Dial ditandai dengan range nilai tekanan, 
  biasanya dalam PSI (pounds per square inch) atau kPa (kilopascal), dan pointer dirancang untuk bergerak sebagai respons terhadap deformasi tabung Bourdon.

c. Connection

  Pengukur/gauge terhubung ke sistem fluida dengan Threaded Connection (sambungan berulir) atau alat kelengkapan lain yang sesuai. Saat fluida mengalir melalui 
  Connection, ia memberikan tekanan pada tabung Bourdon, yang menyebabkan penunjuk bergerak.

d. Casing

  Gauge (pengukur) ditutup dengan Casing yang melindunginya dari kerusakan. Casing biasanya terbuat dari logam atau plastik dan memiliki bagian transparan untuk 
  menampilkan tombol dan penunjuk.

Untuk membaca tekanan dari alat pengukur tekanan air analog, Anda cukup melihat posisi pointer pada dial. Tekanan ditunjukkan oleh nilai pada dial tempat Pointer menunjuk. Keakuratan pengukuran tergantung pada kualitas tabung Bourdon dan ketepatan proses kalibrasi.

2. Jelaskan mekanisme kerja manometer tipe U (fluida air)

3. Tuliskan hasil pengukuran P1, P2, dan P2 (ketika menggunakan manometer tipe U)

4. Faktor apa yang mempengaruhi tinggi rendahnya tekanan

There are several factors that can affect fluid pressure, including:

Depth: Fluid pressure increases with depth due to the weight of the fluid above. This is known as hydrostatic pressure.

Density: The density of the fluid can also affect pressure. A more dense fluid will exert more pressure at a given depth compared to a less dense fluid.

Temperature: Temperature can affect the pressure of a gas, such as air. As the temperature of a gas increases, the pressure it exerts also increases.

Flow rate: The velocity of a fluid can affect pressure, especially in situations where the fluid is flowing through a narrow or restricted passage. This is known as Bernoulli's principle.

Gravity: Gravity can also affect pressure, particularly in situations where the fluid is being lifted or pumped to a higher elevation.

Container shape: The shape of the container holding the fluid can also affect the pressure, especially in situations where the container is curved or irregularly shaped.

Understanding these factors is important in many fields, including engineering, physics, and environmental science, where fluid pressure plays a critical role in the behavior of fluids in different environments.

5. Tuliskan satuan yang ada pada manometer tersebut dan konversi ke dalam satuan SI

6. Buatlah skala tekanan pada manometer tersebut