Dandy Adityas

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Name: Dandy Adityas NPM: 1706064340

Dandy Adityas Picture.jpg

23/02/2021 :

Selamat sore hari ini kabar saya baik

In my opinion, Justice is equality to all people, But Justice is diversity, the difference to all people aspects and economical background are justice, and people potential is different for every people.For example if someone born as a rich person he must have a better impact to society, like he must use his potential to help people, and people with low economical background need to do their best to survive. So justice means equal in every people potential and diversity.

How i explain energy for elementary School kids. So in general energy is the ability to do work, i will explain this to elementary school as we must have energy to move something or do something. I will also explain that energy can't be destroyed or created. So i am going to say to them that energy will convert. For example if we hungry we feel tired, because we don't have energy. We convert food as an energy to move our body so we are not tired anymore.


The structure of the combined cycle power plant model is shown in Fig. 6.8: (1) gas turbine; (2), (4), and (6) HP super-heaters; (3), (5), and (9) IP super-heaters; (11) LP super-heater; (7) HP evaporator; (12) IP evaporator; (16) BP evaporator; (8), (10), (13), and (15) HP economizers; (14) IP economizer; (17) LP economizer; (18) HP drum; (19) IP drum; (20) LP drum; (22) HP pump; (21) IP pump; (23) LP pump; (24) HP steam governor valve; (25) IP steam governor valve; (26) HP steam turbine; (27) IP steam turbine; (28) LP steam turbine; (29) volume; (30) condenser; (31) HP drum-level control; (32) IP drum-level control; (33) LP drum-level control; (34) HP evaporating loop; (35) IP evaporating loop; (36) LP evaporating loop; and (37) electric generator.