Raihan Al Malik Fitrah Arifin

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Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Perkenalkan saya Raihan Al malik Fitrah Arifin bisa dipanggil ipin , dengan NPM 2106649946 dari jurusan Teknik Perkapalan 2021. Saya Tinggal Di jakarta Asal sekolah saya SMAN 28 Jakarta. Salam kenal semuanya, Terima kasih.

Resume Minggu 1

pada pertemuan pertama dijelaskan apa itu arti conciousness dalam kehidupan kita dan diterapkan dalam matkul metodek numerik serta dijelaskan keterkaitan antara conciousness dengan tuhan Yang Maha Esa.

Desain Optimasi Sistem Penyimpanan Hidrogen

Mendesain tanki hidrogen dengan kapasitas 1 Liter Tekanan Maks : 8 Bar Biaya produksi maksimal Rp 500.000

To design and optimize the pressure of hydrogen storage with the specifications you provide (1 liter capacity and 8 bar pressure) and consider the maximum cost limit of Rp. 500,000, here are some steps :

1. Choose the type of storage tube: To store hydrogen with a capacity of 1 liter and a pressure of 8 bar, we can use metal cylinders that have sufficient strength and safety. For example, storage tubes made of carbon steel are typically used for applications like this.

2. Calculate the strength of the tube: To ensure that the tube can withstand a pressure of 8 bar, we need to take into account the safety factor and the material strength of the tube. These calculations usually involve an analysis of the stress and resistance of the tube material.

3. Safety design: To prevent cylinder failure and ensure the safety of the hydrogen storage system, we need to consider safety designs such as pressure valves and overpressure protection.

4. Choose fill material: Fill material or adsorbent is used to increase the hydrogen absorption capacity of the cylinder. We need to choose an efficient and economical material, such as activated carbon, which can optimize the hydrogen storage capacity.

5. Cost calculation: In selecting components and materials for a hydrogen storage system, it is necessary to consider the cost of each component. Make sure the cost of the entire system, including tubes, valves, pressure protectors and filling materials, does not exceed the budget limit of Rp. 500,000.

6. Test and validation: After designing a hydrogen storage system, it is important to test and validate its reliability and safety. This can involve pressure testing, material testing, and leak testing to ensure the system is functioning properly.

It should be remembered that designing and optimizing a hydrogen storage system is a complex task and requires in-depth knowledge of hydrogen storage techniques, materials and safety. Also, overall costs may vary depending on factors such as parts availability, price negotiations, and regulations that apply to your area.