Alief Rizki Azhar
Introduction Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh My introduction is Alief Rizki Azhar with NPM 2106731094 from the 2021 Marine Engineering Department. I come from Jakarta, to be precise, in South Jakarta, Mampang Prapatan. my school origin is SMK Negeri 29 Jakarta. I am the first child of 3 siblings.
Resume Pertemuan 1 - 26/05/2023
Kuliah pertama pada kelas sore tanggal 26-05-23 belum membahas banyak tentang materi. Pertama" pak dai membahas asal-usul namanya yaitu Dr. Ahmad indra atau biasa kita kenal pak dai nama Dai diambil ketika pak dai menyelesaikan S3 nya dan mendapat gelar Dr yang awalnya ahmad indra setelah mendapat gelar Dr namanya menjadi Dr ahmad indra atau di singkat Dai.di kesempatan jumaat 26-05-23 pak dai banyak bercerita tentang banyak hal seperti prespektif pandangan dosen kepada mahasiswanya,beda ilmu agama dan ilmu matematika,kenapa kita harus kuliah ??? Apakah bisa kamu gak kuliah tapi sukses ??, Bercerita tentang pembahasaan ensten (Kecepatan Cahaya),dan manfaat ilmu itu apaa ??. Setelah banyak bercerita pak dai membahas materi tentang (X²-1)(X-1) setelah itu pak dai menunjuk mahasiswa untuk menjelaskan apa maksud dari materi ini, mahasiswa yang di tunjuk pak dai menjelaskan apa yang dia ketahui tentang meteri (X²-1)(X-1). Saya sendiri juga ingin memberi jawaban saya tentang materi ini (X²-1)(X-1) menurut pendapat saya pribadi (X^2-1)/X-1 tidak di jabarkan/langsung di masukan(X=1) akan mendapat kan hasil 0/0 = hasilnya tak tentu , akan tetapi bila di jabarkan terlebih dahulu (X^2-1)/X-1 menjadi (X+1)~X-1~/~X-1~ akan mendapatkan hasil (1+1) =2
Desain Optimasi Sistem Penyimpanan Hidrogen
Mendesain dan Mengoptimalkan Tekanan dari Penyimpanan Hidrogen dengan Kapasitas : 1 L, Tekanan : 8 bar,dan Biaya tidak boleh lebih dari Rp.500.000.
To design and optimize hydrogen storage pressure, several factors need to be considered, including safety, reliability and cost. In this case, we will try to design a hydrogen storage with a capacity of 1 liter and a pressure level of 8 bar, with a maximum cost limit of Rp. 500,000.
The following are steps that can be taken in designing and optimizing hydrogen storage:
1.Determine design requirements and limitations:
• Storage capacity: 1 liter • Pressure level: 8 bar • Maximum fee: Rp. 500,000
2. Choose the right material:
• To withstand the high pressure levels, you will need a material that is strong and resistant to corrosion. • Materials commonly used for hydrogen storage at high pressure are carbon fiber or special aluminum alloys.
3.Calculate the tank wall thickness:
• To determine a safe tank wall thickness, you need to calculate the maximum internal pressure that the tank must withstand. • Use the simple cylindrical tank pressure equation: P = 2 * t * S/D where P is the pressure in Pascals (Pa), t is the thickness of the tank wall in meters (m), S is the allowable safe stress for the material (Pa), and D is the tank diameter in meters (m). • In your case you want to make sure the tank is capable of withstanding a pressure of 8 bar or about 800,000 Pa.
4. Choose a tank that is available on the market:
• Look for a commercially available hydrogen tank that fits your needs. • Check available tank specifications and prices to ensure they meet your capacity, pressure and budget.
5. Consider safety factors:
• The tank design must consider safety factors such as safety valves to prevent overpressure and thermal protection to prevent overtemperature.
6. Cost evaluation:
• Compare the price of a hydrogen tank that meets your specifications with a predetermined maximum budget (Rp 500,000). • Choose a tank that meets the technical specifications and is also affordable according to your budget.
7. Test and validation:
• After selecting a suitable tank, be sure to test and validate the safety and performance of the hydrogen tank. • Perform pressure test, leak test and environmental resistance test to ensure the tank is functioning properly.
It should be noted that the design and optimization of hydrogen storage involves complex technical factors and often requires specialized knowledge in this field. It is advisable to consult experts or engineers experienced in hydrogen storage to ensure a safe and efficient design.