Pertemuan Pembelajaran Metnum 02

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Batasan Geometri desain tangki yang dioptimasi

Batasan Geometris (Geometrical Constraint)

import random

# Mendefinisikan panjang kromosom (banyaknya gen) yang merepresentasikan desain tangki
panjang_kromosom = 5

# Mendefinisikan batasan rentang nilai gen untuk setiap gen dalam kromosom
batas_bawah = 0.1
batas_atas = 0.5

# Mendefinisikan populasi awal secara acak
def inisialisasi_populasi(jumlah_individu):
    populasi = []
    for _ in range(jumlah_individu):
        individu = [random.uniform(batas_bawah, batas_atas) for _ in range(panjang_kromosom)]
    return populasi

# Mendefinisikan fungsi evaluasi yang akan menghitung nilai kecocokan (fitness) untuk setiap individu
def evaluasi_populasi(populasi):
    nilai_fitness = []
    for individu in populasi:
        fitness = 0.0
        # Hitung fitness berdasarkan kriteria pengoptimalan yang diinginkan
        # Misalnya, dapat berdasarkan volume, luas permukaan, atau rasio luas permukaan terhadap volume
        # Ubah rumus sesuai dengan kriteria pengoptimalan yang diinginkan
        for gen in individu:
            fitness += gen
    return nilai_fitness

# Mendefinisikan fungsi seleksi orangtua menggunakan metode turnamen
def seleksi_orangtua(populasi, nilai_fitness, jumlah_orangtua):
    orangtua = []
    for _ in range(jumlah_orangtua):
        indeks_1 = random.randint(0, len(populasi)-1)
        indeks_2 = random.randint(0, len(populasi)-1)
        if nilai_fitness[indeks_1] > nilai_fitness[indeks_2]:
    return orangtua

# Mendefinisikan fungsi rekombinasi menggunakan metode one-point crossover
def rekombinasi(orangtua, jumlah_anak):
    anak = []
    for _ in range(jumlah_anak):
        indeks_1 = random.randint(0, len(orangtua)-1)
        indeks_2 = random.randint(0, len(orangtua)-1)
        titik_potong = random.randint(1, panjang_kromosom-1)
        anak_baru = orangtua[indeks_1][:titik_potong] + orangtua[indeks_2][titik_potong:]
    return anak

# Mendefinisikan fungsi mutasi menggunakan metode flipping bit
def mutasi(populasi, probabilitas_mutasi):
    for i in range(len(populasi)):
        for j in range(panjang_kromosom):
            if random.random() < probabilitas_mutasi:
                populasi[i][j] = random.uniform(batas_bawah, batas_atas

Designing optimized hydrogen storage involves considering several factors, such as storage capacity, safety, efficiency, and cost. Here are some key steps and considerations in the process:

1. Determine the storage method: There are various methods for storing hydrogen, including compressed gas, liquid hydrogen, and solid-state storage. Each method has its advantages and trade-offs, so you need to select the most suitable method based on your specific requirements.

2. Compressed gas storage: If you choose compressed gas storage, you need to consider the pressure at which hydrogen will be stored. Higher pressures can increase storage capacity but require stronger and heavier storage tanks. Select a pressure level that balances capacity, weight, and safety considerations.

3. Liquid hydrogen storage: Liquid hydrogen offers higher energy density than compressed gas but requires extremely low temperatures (-253°C). The storage system must be well-insulated and capable of maintaining cryogenic temperatures. Safety measures, such as pressure relief valves, should also be incorporated.

4. Solid-state storage: Solid-state storage methods, such as metal hydrides or carbon-based materials, offer the potential for high storage densities. Research and development in this area are ongoing, so consider the latest advancements in material science and assess the feasibility of using solid-state storage for your application.

5. Consider safety measures: Hydrogen is highly flammable and requires careful safety considerations. Ensure that storage systems incorporate appropriate safety features such as pressure relief valves, leak detection systems, and flame arrestors. Adequate ventilation and separation from ignition sources should also be implemented.

6. Optimize storage capacity: Maximize the storage capacity within the given space and weight constraints. This can be achieved through advanced tank designs, such as using lightweight materials, optimizing tank shape, or employing advanced compression techniques. Consider the specific application requirements to determine the optimal capacity.

7. Improve efficiency: Efficiency is crucial for hydrogen storage systems. Minimize energy losses during storage and retrieval processes. This can be achieved by optimizing insulation, reducing heat transfer, and employing efficient compression or liquefaction technologies.

8. Consider integration with other systems: Hydrogen storage should be designed to seamlessly integrate with other parts of the hydrogen infrastructure, such as production, transportation, and utilization. Ensure compatibility with hydrogen refueling stations or other distribution systems that may be required.

9. Evaluate cost-effectiveness: Assess the overall cost of the storage system, including manufacturing, installation, operation, and maintenance. Consider the trade-offs between initial investment and long-term operational costs, and aim for an optimized balance.

10. Continuous improvement: As hydrogen storage technologies continue to advance, keep abreast of the latest developments and research to identify opportunities for further optimization. Periodically assess and upgrade your storage system to take advantage of new technologies and materials.

It's important to note that designing an optimized hydrogen storage system often requires a multidisciplinary approach involving expertise in mechanical engineering, materials science, and safety engineering. Consulting with experts in these fields and conducting thorough feasibility studies can greatly contribute to the success of your design.