Christopher Salendu Erwin
Greetings! Welcome to my page :)
About Me
I am a student at the University of Indonesia pursuing a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering. I am fascinated with the fields of aerospace, robotics, and systems design.
On-campus I participate in two extracurricular organizations: English debating and robotics. As a debater, I enjoy exploring multiple perspectives on relevant issues and deconstructing policies through critical argumentation. Although I consider myself still far from an expert in debating, I am thrilled to say that I have achieved the Novice Champion title in the JOVED 2019 debating tournament. Besides debating, I recently joined the robotics club's rocketry division. Unfortunately, since the pandemic happened right after, I haven't done much with robotics yet, but I am looking forward to learning more about it!
Some of my interests include programming and foreign languages. For programming, I have some experience with microcontrollers, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi. The programming language that I'm currently grappling with is Python, and I know a little bit of C++, Java, and HTML. Another hobby of mine is learning foreign languages, and I'm able to speak some German, Japanese, Spanish, and French. Sometimes I study several other languages when I'm feeling up to it.
Numerical Methods
This page was made for the Numerical Methods class that I'm taking this semester (Ganjil 2020/2021). So far up to midterms, we have learned the following topics:
- Taylor Series Approximation
- Bisection Method
- Newton-Raphson Method
- Secant Method
- Systems of Non-linear Equations
- Gauss Elimination
- Least Squares Regression
- Interpolation
- Numerical Differentiation
Week 01 [11/11/20]
Tujuan Belajar Metode Numerik
- Memahami konsep dan prinsip dasar metode numerik.
- Mengerti aplikasi dan penerapan metode numerik.
- Mampu menerapkan pengetahuan metode numerik di persoalan teknik.
- Mendapat nilai tambah sendiri agar menjadi orang yang lebih beradab.
Belajar OpenModelica
Week 02 [18/11/20]
OpenModelica Intro
OpenModelica adalah aplikasi yang digunakan untuk melakukan pemodelan. OpenModelica memudahkan penyelesaian permasalahan permodelan sistem yang cukup rumit. Coding yang dilakukan dalam OMEdit ditulis berdasarkan bahasa C++.
OpenModelica digunakan untuk kelas Metode Numerik untuk beberapa alasan:
- OpenModelica memampukan kita untuk melakukan pemodelan sitem teknik dengan mudah tanpa terlalu mendalami pengetahuan pemograman dan ilmu komputer.
- OpenModelica adalah software yang Open Source, dengan akses bebas dan terbuka. Karena itu, terdapat banyak pengguna dan software dapat digunakan gratis dengan bebas secara legal.
Class & Function
Persamaan Aljabar Simultan
LU Decomposition
Student Data
NPM: 1806201056