Muhammad Ikhsan Rahadian

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Assalamualaikum. Wr. Wb Selamat pagi, siang, sore, malam. Hello, my name is Ikhsan, currently studying Mechanical Engineering at The University of Indonesia. This blog was made for Numerical Method KKI that I took this semester with Pak DAI as the lecturer.

Foto ts.jpeg

Name: Muhammad Ikhsan Rahadian

Date of Birth: Agustus 2nd, 2002

NPM: 2106656882

Major: Mechanical Engineering


Case Study of Hydrogen Storage Optimization

A pressurized hydrogen tank is a specialized container designed to store hydrogen gas at high pressures. These tanks are essential for the safe storage and transport of hydrogen, which is a highly flammable and low-density gas. Pressurizing hydrogen increases its energy density and allows for more efficient storage and utilization in various applications. Usually, materials that can withstand high pressures are used to build pressurized hydrogen tanks. These materials offer the strength and durability needed to hold the hydrogen gas under high pressure. Pressurized hydrogen tanks are used in various industries and applications such as fuel cell vehicles, energy storage, and industrial process. In this class, our goal is to improve and optimize the pressurized hydrogen tank's design to withstand an 8-bar pressure and hold 1 liter of hydrogen.

Hydrogen Tank

Pressurized hydrogen refers to hydrogen gas that is stored or transported at high pressures. Hydrogen is naturally a gas at standard temperature and pressure (STP), which is defined as 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) and 1 atmosphere of pressure. However, when hydrogen is subjected to higher pressures, it becomes compressed and occupies a smaller volume.

Pressurized hydrogen is typically stored in specially designed containers, such as high-pressure cylinders or tanks, that can withstand the increased internal pressure. These containers are constructed using materials that can handle high pressures. The hydrogen gas is compressed into these containers, allowing for a greater quantity of hydrogen to be stored in a smaller space.

The Material of Hydrogen Tank

Stainless steel 304, also known as UNS S30400, is a commonly used austenitic stainless steel alloy. It is part of the 300 series stainless steels, which are known for their excellent corrosion resistance, durability, and versatility. I choose this material because of several factors, such as Corrosion Resistance; strength and durability: it has good mechanical properties, including high tensile strength and yield strength; Formability and Weldability; and Temperature Resistance.