Benaya S. H. Munte

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Planning for a design and optimization of a 1 liter pressurized hydrogen storage/tank

As the lightest, most common and most abundant element in the universe, is one of the most essential building blocks of the universe. It comprises about 75% of its elemental mass and 90% of its observable atoms.

When utilizing hydrogen as a source of vehicle fuel, they are usually manufactured in the form of fuel cells, rather than pure fuels such as gasoline and diesel fuels, due to the fact that a combustion engine using hydrogen as a source of fuel is extremely inefficient.

Below are the criteria needed to be fulfilled for a hydrogen tank design with a budget of only Rp. 500.000,00:

This design summary outlines an optimized storage system capable of safely handling an 8 bar pressure requirement while considering a budget limit of Rp 500.000. The system focuses on cost-effective solutions without compromising safety and functionality.

Key Considerations:

1. Storage Vessel: A cost-effective high-pressure vessel is chosen, considering material strength and compatibility with stored substances, while aiming for affordability. 2. Material: Economical materials like mild steel or reinforced plastics are selected, ensuring they meet the necessary strength and safety requirements.

3. Structural Design: The vessel is designed to meet the pressure requirement while minimizing material usage and fabrication costs. Simple shapes and standard sizes may be preferred.

4. Safety Measures: Essential safety features like pressure relief valves are incorporated, prioritizing affordable options that still meet regulatory standards. 5. Leakage Prevention: Cost-effective sealing mechanisms like gaskets or low-cost elastomers are implemented to prevent leaks, ensuring they are still reliable.

6. Pressure Control: Simple pressure regulation systems like manual valves or basic pressure regulators are used to meet the pressure control needs within the budget constraints.

7. Support Infrastructure: Basic instrumentation and monitoring equipment are chosen to facilitate system operation and maintenance without exceeding the budget.

8. Installation and Maintenance: Efficient installation practices are employed, and routine maintenance activities are planned to minimize costs while ensuring optimal performance.

9. Compliance and Standards: The system is designed to meet the necessary safety standards within the given budget, ensuring legal compliance and avoiding additional expenses.

What are the ways to utilize Hydrogen as a source of vehicle fuel and how:

Fuel Cells: Hydrogen fuel cells are a common method of using hydrogen as a vehicle fuel. In a fuel cell vehicle (FCV), hydrogen reacts with oxygen in the fuel cell, generating electricity to power an electric motor. This process only produces water vapor as a byproduct, making FCVs environmentally friendly. They offer high energy efficiency, longer driving ranges compared to electric vehicles, and quick hydrogen refueling.

Combustion: Hydrogen can be used in internal combustion engines, similar to gasoline or diesel engines. However, this method is less common and presents challenges. In a hydrogen internal combustion engine (HICE) vehicle, hydrogen is burned, creating mechanical power to propel the vehicle. Engine modifications are needed due to hydrogen's low density and ignition energy. Hydrogen combustion engines may produce nitrogen oxide emissions, although engine advancements can mitigate this issue.

Advantages and disadvantages of a hydrogen tank


High Energy Density: Hydrogen has a high energy-to-weight ratio, making it a suitable fuel for applications that require energy storage with minimal weight.

Rapid Refueling: Hydrogen tanks can be refueled quickly compared to electric vehicle batteries, which can significantly reduce downtime and allow for longer driving ranges.

Versatility: Hydrogen tanks can be used in various applications, including transportation (such as fuel cell vehicles), stationary power generation, and industrial processes.

Low Environmental Impact: When hydrogen is used in a fuel cell, the only byproduct is water, making it a clean energy source with zero greenhouse gas emissions.


Storage Challenges: Hydrogen has low energy density by volume, requiring high-pressure or cryogenic storage systems to achieve sufficient energy storage. This can present challenges in terms of tank size, weight, and safety.

Cost: Hydrogen storage tanks, especially those designed to handle high-pressure or cryogenic conditions, can be expensive to manufacture, adding to the overall cost of hydrogen-based systems.

Safety Concerns: Hydrogen is highly flammable and can pose safety risks if not handled properly. Special precautions and safety measures are necessary to ensure the safe storage and handling of hydrogen tanks.

Limited Infrastructure: The infrastructure for hydrogen storage and refueling is still developing and not as widespread as conventional gasoline or electric charging stations. Limited availability of refueling stations can restrict the widespread adoption of hydrogen-powered vehicles.

Hydrogen Mass calculation

To calculate the mass of hydrogen in its liquid state, we need to consider the ideal gas law and the properties of hydrogen at the given conditions.

Convert the pressure to the SI unit of Pascals:

8 bar = 8 * 10^5 Pa

Convert the volume to the SI unit of cubic meters:

1 liter = 0.001 cubic meters

Convert the boiling temperature to Kelvin:

-253.16 degrees Celsius = 19.99 Kelvin (approximate value)

Use the ideal gas law equation:

PV = nRT


P = Pressure (in Pascals) V = Volume (in cubic meters) n = Number of moles R = Ideal gas constant (8.314 J/(mol·K)) T = Temperature (in Kelvin)

Since we want to find the mass of hydrogen, we need to convert moles to grams using the molar mass of hydrogen:

Molar mass of hydrogen = 2.016 grams/mol

Now let's calculate the mass:

Convert the pressure and volume to SI units:

P = 8 * 10^5 Pa V = 0.001 cubic meters

Calculate the number of moles using the ideal gas law:

n = PV / (RT) = (8 * 10^5 * 0.001) / (8.314 * 19.99) ≈ 0.048 moles

Convert moles to grams using the molar mass:

Mass = n * Molar mass = 0.048 * 2.016 ≈ 0.0971 grams

Therefore, the mass of hydrogen in its liquid state, at a pressure of 8 bar, volume of 1 liter, and boiling temperature of -253.16 degrees Celsius, is approximately 0.0971 grams.