Farhan Adryansyach
Perkenalkan, nama saya Farhan Adryansyach dengan NPM 2106731150 Saat ini saya sedang menjalani perkuliahan di Universitas Indonesia jurusan Teknik Perkapalan
Resume Kuliah Metode Numerik (26/05/2023)
Pada minggu pertama yang diisi oleh Bapak Dr. Ir. Ahmad Indra Siswantara atau biasa disapa Pak Dai, sebagai pendahuluan Metode numerik adalah pengunaan algoritma komputasi untuk menyelesaikan masalah dalam bentuk perhitungan atau analisis yang menggunakan angka dan data numerik.
Menurut Pak Dai, sebagai individu, jika melewati suatu permasalahan harus memiliki conciusness atau kesadaran agar dapat berpikir secara optimal untuk mendapatkan hasil yang terbaik dalam melewati suatu persoalaan.
Begitu juga dengan ilmu matematika, ilmu matematika sebenernya bukan suatu ilmu yang eksak atau memberikan hasil yang absolut pada setiap jawaban atau hasil perhitungannya
kita bisa mendapatkan solusinya, namun semua solusi tidak bisa dibuktikan secara exact apakah solusi tersebut benar atau tidak.
Manusia bisa melalukan pendekatan untuk. pendekatan tersebut dilakukan secara itiriner dimana hasil yang didapatkan semakin mendekati nilai yang paling sempurna seiring dengan jumlah pengulangan yang sesuai.
Ada teknologi yang dinamakan Chat GPT yang dapat kita gunakan secara maksimal untuk mendapatkan dan mencari data konkrit dari sebuah materi yang ingin kita cari tau.
dalam berkuliah, Pak Dai menyarankan jangan hanya datang ke kampus untuk sekadar absen, tanpa pelajaran dari mata kuliah yang kita ambil, maka kita harus jugaa memiliki semangatb untuk mencerna pelajaran dari setiap mata kuliah yang kita ambil.
Design & Optimization of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage
According to the suggestion from Mr. Dai, that I try to use the GPT chat as a tool in working on and designing according to the specifications of the task given. Here is a explanation of the elements and procedures involved in the design pressurized hydrogen storage system
Designing and optimizing pressurized hydrogen storage systems requires careful consideration of various factors such as safety, efficiency, and cost. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:
Determine storage requirements: Define the specific requirements for your hydrogen storage system, including the desired storage capacity, operating pressure, and duration of storage.
Select storage vessel type: There are several types of storage vessels suitable for pressurized hydrogen storage, such as steel cylinders, composite cylinders, or cryogenic tanks. Evaluate the advantages and limitations of each type based on factors like cost, weight, safety, and storage capacity.
Optimize the design: Work with a mechanical engineer or use computer-aided design (CAD) software to optimize the vessel's design. Consider factors such as weight, dimensions, and manufacturing constraints to ensure cost-effective production.
Determine the material and thickness: Choose a cost-effective material for the storage vessel, such as carbon steel or aluminum alloy. Consult with material suppliers to find an option that balances cost and strength. Determine the required thickness based on the selected material to withstand the desired pressure level of 8 bar.
Cost analysis: Throughout the design process, keep track of the costs associated with materials, manufacturing, safety features, and other components. Continuously evaluate and optimize design choices to stay within the budget limit of Rp. 500 K.
Assess safety considerations: Hydrogen is a highly flammable gas, so safety is of utmost importance. Ensure that the chosen storage vessel and associated equipment comply with safety standards and regulations. Consider features like pressure relief devices, burst discs, and leak detection systems to mitigate risks.
Optimize storage pressure: Determine the optimal operating pressure for your storage system by considering factors such as material compatibility, storage density, and energy efficiency. Higher pressures generally increase the storage density but may require more robust and expensive storage vessels.
Evaluate materials and construction: Consider the materials used in the construction of the storage vessel, valves, and piping systems. Seek materials that have good hydrogen compatibility, high strength, and resistance to embrittlement. Ensure that the vessel is designed to handle the desired pressure and has appropriate reinforcements and safety features.
Consider thermal management: Hydrogen storage systems may require thermal management to prevent temperature-related issues. Evaluate options for insulation, cooling, or heating to maintain the desired temperature range and minimize energy losses.
Optimize storage system layout: Design an efficient layout for the storage system, considering factors such as space availability, accessibility, and ease of maintenance. Ensure proper ventilation and spacing to allow for hydrogen dispersion in case of a leak.
Integrate with other components: Consider how the pressurized hydrogen storage system will integrate with other components of the hydrogen infrastructure, such as production, compression, and dispensing systems. Ensure compatibility and efficiency throughout the entire system.
Perform system analysis and modeling: Utilize computer modeling and simulation tools to analyze the performance of the storage system. This can help optimize parameters like pressure, volume, materials, and thermal management to maximize storage capacity, safety, and efficiency.
Test and validation: Conduct rigorous testing and validation of the designed storage system to ensure it meets the desired performance and safety requirements. Perform leak tests, pressure tests, and other relevant assessments to verify the system's integrity.
Remember that designing and optimizing pressurized hydrogen storage systems can be complex, and it is advisable to consult with experts in the field, adhere to relevant regulations and standards, and follow best practices to ensure a safe and efficient design.