Teuku Ahmad Faris Pasya

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Faris Pasya 2106658603.jpg

Name: Teuku Ahmad Faris Pasya

Nickname: Faris Pasya

NPM: 2106658603

Major: Mechanical Engineering KKI

DoB: 17 January 2004

E-mail: farispasya@gmail.com

Assalamualaikum.Wr.Wb Hello Everyone! Let me introduce my self, my name is Teuku Ahmad Faris Pasya, people usually call me Faris, and i'am an undergradute student majoring in Mechanical Engineering at University of Indonesia. And in this semester i'am taking Numerical Method class with Pak DAI as my lecturer.

Case Study of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage


Hydrogen is an energy carrier and is commonly used as a fuel in various applications, including fuel cell vehicles, industrial processes, and energy storage systems. Pressurized hydrogen storage refers to the storage of hydrogen gas at high pressure to achieve a higher density of hydrogen molecules within a given volume.

Different Methods for Storing Hydrogen

Compressed Gas Storage : This method involves compressing hydrogen gas to high pressures and storing it in high-strength tanks Liquid Hydrogen Storage: Hydrogen can also be stored in a liquid state by cooling it to extremely low temperatures. Liquid hydrogen (LH2) is stored in cryogenic tanks at temperatures below -253 degrees Celsius (-423 degrees Fahrenheit). Metal Hydride Storage: Metal hydrides can absorb and release hydrogen gas, allowing for hydrogen storage at lower pressures.