Alif Raynur Muhamad
Revision as of 21:33, 28 May 2023 by Alif.raynur (talk | contribs)
Pagi Mesin!
Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Halo semua! Perkenalkan, saya Alif Raynur Muhamad, akrab dipanggil Alif, dengan NPM 2106706930. Saya adalah mahasiswa S1 dengan Program Studi Teknik Mesin angkatan 2021. Berikut adalah resume-resume saya selama pembelajaran di kelas Metode Numerik 01.
Design & Optimization of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage
- Specifications
- A hydrogen tank with 1 liter of volume & 8 bar of pressure
- The cost for the production is limited to IDR 500.000
- Week 1 Progress
- Before we dive deeper into the design & optimization phases, we must consciously understand the factors involved in designing and optimizing the hydrogen storage first.