Rasendriya Sajjana Jetta

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assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

About Me

Name : Rasendriya Sajjana Jetta

NPM : 2006517865

DOB : March, 5 2002

Likes : Creating many things.

Fuel, Sugarcane and Battery Relationship (21-02-2023)

Question: Explain relationship of sugarcane factory, Battery company and Oil Gas Factory.

ChatGPT: The relationship between a sugarcane factory, battery company, and oil gas factory is not immediately clear without more context, as they are from different industries and may not have an obvious connection. However, it's possible to speculate on some potential relationships between these industries:

The sugarcane factory may supply the battery company with ethanol, which is used as a fuel in some types of batteries. Ethanol is also used as a fuel additive and could be used in the manufacturing process of other battery components.

The oil gas factory may supply the sugarcane factory with natural gas, which can be used as a fuel source to power the factory's operations. Natural gas is also used in the production of fertilizer, which could be used to grow sugarcane. The battery company may supply batteries to the sugarcane factory and oil gas factory, which are used to power equipment and vehicles.

The sugarcane factory and oil gas factory may both require a large amount of energy, and the battery company may be working on developing more efficient batteries that could be used to store energy from renewable sources like solar or wind power.

It's important to note that these are just potential relationships and there are likely many other ways that these industries could be connected or influence each other.

Open Modelica(24-02-2023)

Today I learn how to operate software Open Modelica with Faiq. We tried to make Internal Combustion Engine scene in open modelica to know detail calculation of the engine inserting fuel, air and many more component. (tbc)

Personal Project

Introduction :

in order for us to be more conscious about the Energy Conversion System 2 subject. There are three topic options which are about Pyrolysis, Electric Vehicle, and IC engine. This project will later use Open Modelica Software

Chosen Topic :

After discussing with Mr.DAI and a bit research on the internet, I choose Internal Combustion Engine for my project.


My personal project is making a electric generator using LPG gas as the fuel. what make this better is that the generator use LPG gas instead fossil fuel gasoline.

What Are LPG's Environmental Advantages?

- Minimize climate change: LPG emits 12% less CO2 than oil, 35% less CO2 than coal, and has a carbon footprint that is 20% lower than that of conventional heating oil.

- Increases air quality: Using LPG instead of gasoline reduces CO2 emissions by 21% and particulate nitrogen by 81%. LPG reduces particulate matter emissions by 81% and nitrogen oxide emissions by 74% when used in place of diesel fuel. Acid rain, cancer, birth abnormalities, and the creation of ground-level ozone are all possible effects of these pollutants.

- Eliminates oil spills: LPG quickly evaporates into the atmosphere in the event of an oil spill. This indicates that it won't pollute nearby soil or water sources through leaching.

- Eliminates fugitive emission effects: LPG is not a GHG, thus if it is released into the air before combustion, it won't have a detrimental influence on the environment. On the other hand, NG is primarily made up of CH4, which has a potential for 25 times as much global warming as CO2. NG will simply hasten the process of global warming if released into the atmosphere before burning.

- Reduces deforestation: Since the end of the last ice age, or approximately 2.6 million years ago, more than one-third of the world's forest has been lost. Deforestation happens at a rate of about 10 million hectares (25 million acres) annually. 2.37 million hectares of forest, or 46% of the yearly net world deforestation, might be saved if 240 million households switched to LPG. In addition to preventing climate change and air pollution, trees also boost mental health and serve as homes for millions of different plant and animal species. By preserving forest habitats, carbon is captured more efficiently and the effects of climate change are mitigated.

The objectives are to:

1. Converting Generator to gas Fuel (LPG/Hydrogen)

2. Compare Emission using gasoline and LPG gas.

3. Compare Electricity Produce vs Fuel Cost (LPG Gas & Gasoline)

4. Analyzing why the other fuel can be future solution for the environment.

Pyrolysis, Electric Vehicle and Internal Combustion Engine


Pyrolysis is a chemical process that involves the thermal decomposition of organic materials in the absence of oxygen. During pyrolysis, organic materials such as wood, biomass, plastics, and rubber are subjected to high temperatures in the range of 400-800°C. In the absence of oxygen, the materials are broken down into smaller molecules, which can be used as fuel or chemical feedstocks.

The pyrolysis process occurs in three stages:

- Drying and heating stage: During this stage, the moisture and volatile components of the material are removed as the temperature is increased.
- Pyrolysis or decomposition stage: As the temperature continues to rise, the chemical bonds of the material break down, and the material decomposes into smaller molecules.
-Char or carbonization stage: At high temperatures, the remaining solid material is converted into carbon or char.

Pyrolysis is a useful process for producing biofuels, such as bio-oil, biochar, and syngas, from biomass. It is also used for the production of activated carbon, which has a high surface area and is used for adsorption and purification applications. Additionally, pyrolysis can be used to recycle waste materials such as plastics, tires, and electronic waste, which reduces their environmental impact and provides a source of valuable materials.

Electric Vehicle :

An electric vehicle (EV) is a vehicle that is powered by one or more electric motors, which are fueled by a battery pack. Unlike traditional vehicles that run on gasoline or diesel fuel, electric vehicles use electricity as their primary source of power.

Electric vehicles come in various forms, including all-electric vehicles (AEVs), which are powered entirely by electricity, and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs), which combine an electric motor with a traditional combustion engine. The electric motor in an EV generates torque and power, which is transmitted to the wheels via a transmission. The battery pack provides the electricity needed to power the electric motor, and it can be recharged by plugging the vehicle into an electric outlet or charging station.

There are several advantages to electric vehicles over traditional vehicles, including:

-Lower operating costs: Electric vehicles are more energy-efficient than traditional vehicles, and they cost less to operate and maintain.

-Reduced emissions: Electric vehicles produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions than traditional vehicles, which can help to reduce air pollution and mitigate climate change.

Quieter operation: Electric vehicles are much quieter than traditional vehicles, which can lead to a more peaceful driving experience and reduce noise pollution in urban areas.

-Energy security: Electric vehicles can help to reduce dependence on imported oil and increase energy security by utilizing domestic sources of electricity.

Overall, electric vehicles represent a promising technology that has the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve energy security, while also providing a range of economic and social benefits.

Internal Combustion Engine :

An internal combustion (IC) engine is a type of heat engine that converts the energy from fuel combustion into mechanical energy. In an IC engine, fuel is mixed with air in a combustion chamber and ignited, creating a high-pressure gas that pushes against a piston, which is connected to a crankshaft that converts the back-and-forth motion of the piston into rotational motion.

There are two main types of IC engines: spark ignition engines and compression ignition engines. Spark ignition engines, also known as gasoline engines, use a spark plug to ignite a mixture of gasoline and air. Compression ignition engines, also known as diesel engines, compress air to a high pressure and temperature, which causes diesel fuel to ignite spontaneously.

IC engines are widely used in vehicles, boats, aircraft, and power generators because they are compact, efficient, and relatively inexpensive to produce. However, they are also a major source of air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, as well as noise pollution. As a result, there is increasing interest in developing alternative powertrain technologies, such as electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles, that can reduce or eliminate the environmental impacts of IC engines.

Plastic to fuel is the process of converting waste plastic materials into usable fuel, typically through a process called pyrolysis. Pyrolysis is the thermal decomposition of organic materials in the absence of oxygen, which leads to the formation of gases, liquids, and solids.

In the case of plastic waste, pyrolysis can be used to break down the plastic into smaller molecules, which can then be converted into fuel products such as gasoline, diesel, and other petroleum-based fuels. The resulting fuel can be used to power vehicles or other machines.

Signal Frequency

5G signals are generally faster than other cellular network signals for several reasons:

Higher Frequencies: 5G networks operate at higher frequencies than previous generations of cellular networks. This allows for greater bandwidth, which means more data can be transmitted over the network in a shorter amount of time. The higher frequencies also enable faster data transfer rates and lower latency.

More Efficient Spectrum Use: 5G networks use a technology called "beamforming," which allows the network to direct signals only where they are needed. This means that the network can use its spectrum more efficiently, reducing interference and improving overall performance.

Advanced Modulation Techniques: 5G networks use advanced modulation techniques that allow for more data to be transmitted over a single channel. This means that the network can handle more devices and more data simultaneously, without sacrificing speed or performance.

Massive MIMO: 5G networks also use a technology called "massive MIMO" (multiple-input, multiple-output), which enables the network to transmit and receive multiple signals simultaneously. This increases capacity and improves network performance.

Overall, the combination of these factors enables 5G networks to deliver faster and more reliable connections than previous generations of cellular networks. However, it's worth noting that the speed and performance of a 5G network can vary depending on a number of factors, including the location, the number of devices using the network, and the network infrastructure.