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(Komputasi Teknik - Tugas Pertemuan 6- Penerapan Komputasi Teknik dalam Penelitian yang Sedang Dilakukan)
(Komputasi Teknik - Tugas Pertemuan 6- Penerapan Komputasi Teknik dalam Penelitian yang Sedang Dilakukan)
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2. Pembuatan Code Java Script.  
2. Pembuatan Code Java Script.  
/ script-GTAWProcessCalculation.js
[File:Bahhahamzah-JavaScript-GTAW-Time-Calculation.png|600px|thumb|center|Javascript Code to Calculating Time of GTAW Welding]]
// Calculation paremeter fabrication of GTAW
const Calculate = [
      step: "Deep Awareness of 'I'",
      description: "Will help engineer to calculate the process time of GTAW",
      step: "Intention",
      description: "Set your intention to approach this problem as a pathway to recognize the intricacies of creation. Let your purpose here be a reflection of your commitment to truth and accuracy as a form of devotion to The Creator.",
      step: "Initial Thinking",
      description: "Define each parameter for calculate fabrication time of GTAW, recognizing that each represents a natural law set by The Creator.",
      step: "Idealization",
      description: "In simplifying this problem, the user just input the parameters need in GTAW process calculation. It easier tha calculate manually.",
      step: "Instruction Set",
      description: "Calculation of GTAW fabrication Process base on Boothroyd methode in his book 'Product Design for Manufacture and Assemby'.",
  // Display Calculation paremeter fabrication of GTAW  in the Browser
  const stepGuide = document.getElementById("step-guide");
  Calculate.forEach((step, index) => {
    const stepDiv = document.createElement("div");
    stepDiv.innerHTML = `<strong>${index + 1}. ${step.step}:</strong> ${step.description}`;
  // 1D Calculation Time fabrication of GTAW
  function SolverthetimefabricationofGTAW() {
    // Get input values
    const length = parseFloat(document.getElementById("Length-of-GTAW").value);
    const Travelspeed = parseFloat(document.getElementById("Travel-Speed-of-GTAW").value);
    const Operatingfactor = parseFloat(document.getElementById("Operating-Factor").value);
    // Check for valid inputs
    if (isNaN(length) || isNaN(Travelspeed) || isNaN(Operatingfactor)) {
      alert("Please enter valid numbers for all parameters.");
    // Apply Boothroyd Theory: Time fabrication of GTAW = length / (Travelspeed * Operatingfactor)
    const timefabricationofGTAW = length / (Travelspeed * Operatingfactor);
    // Display the result Calculation Time fabrication of GTAW
    const solutionOutput = document.getElementById("solution-output");
    solutionOutput.innerHTML = `
      <p><strong>Calculated The Time of GTAW (Minute):</strong> ${timefabricationofGTAW.toFixed(2)} Minute</p>
      <p><strong>Physical Interpretation:</strong> The Fabrication time of GTAW is, ${timefabricationofGTAW.toFixed(3)} Minute, So the time was calculate as references for welding engineer to estimate the labor cost of this Welding project.</p>
      <p><strong>Spiritual Reflection:</strong> This calculation will make the work easier than calculate by manually, The author hope can improve this system for better and complex calculation in Field of Weld to help the welding engineers.</p>
3. Pembuatan Kode HTML.
3. Pembuatan Kode HTML.
4. Hasil Running Program.
4. Hasil Running Program.

Revision as of 11:38, 3 December 2024

At Lab Geotechnical SUCOFINDO Samarinda-East Borneo


My name is Bahha Hamzah. I was born in 1998. I am an ongoing Master of Mechanical Engineering student at Universitas Indonesia. I enjoy pursuing mechanical engineering, exploring applicable technology, and socializing with organizations and society.

Work Experience,

PT. Superintending Company of Indonesia (2022-2024)

I was a Calibration Electrical Technician in the Measurement and Testing Instrument Calibration Laboratory in PT. Superintending Company of Indonesia (SUCOFINDO). The following are the scope of my work: 1. Calibration of Pressure Equipment and instruments. 2. Calibration of Force Equipment and instruments. 3. Calibration of Mass Equipment and instruments. 4. Calibration of Volume and Chemical instruments. 5. Calibration of Temperature Equipment and instruments. 6. Calibration of Dimension Equipment and Instruments. 7. Calibration of Electrical Equipment and instruments. For Detai Introduction Please visit my Linkedin

Komputasi Teknik - Resume Pertemuan 1 (29/10/2024)

Conscious Thinking Heartware-Brainware (variable) = Array (1) Initiator (2) Intention (3) Initial Thinking (4) Idealization (5) Instruction

DAI5 adalah metode pemecahan masalah yang dikembangkan oleh Dr. Ahmad Indra Siswantara dari Universitas Indonesia. Metode ini dikenal sebagai “Conscious Thinking” dan berfokus pada proses berpikir yang dimulai dari niat hingga pemilihan alat bantu sebagai langkah akhir. DAI5 terdiri dari lima tahapan utama:

Intention: Menentukan niat dan tujuan jelas untuk menyelesaikan masalah. Initial Thinking: Mengembangkan pemahaman mendalam tentang masalah yang akan diselesaikan. Idealization: Menyederhanakan masalah dengan membuat asumsi-asumsi yang relevan. Instruction Set: Merancang langkah-langkah sistematis untuk mencapai solusi. Implementation: Menerapkan solusi menggunakan alat bantu yang dipilih. DAI5 dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dalam pemecahan masalah dengan mengutamakan pemahaman masalah sebelum memilih alat bantu, berbeda dari pendekatan yang lebih fokus pada penggunaan teknologi di awal tanpa analisis mendalam. Metode ini dapat diterapkan dalam berbagai bidang, termasuk teknik dan analisis Finite Element Method (FEM) untuk simulasi rekayasa teknik.

Komputasi Teknik - Tugas Pertemuan 1- Application of DAI5 in Finite Element Analysis of Beam (04/11/2024)

To solve a finite element analysis (FEA) problem for a beam using the DAI5 method, let’s break down the process through each of the framework’s stages.

Javascript Code to Calculating Time of GTAW Welding

3. Pembuatan Kode HTML.

4. Hasil Running Program.