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'''1.Depth of Knowledge and Understanding''' | '''1.Depth of Knowledge and Understanding''' | ||
*Undergraduate: They should have a solid grasp of foundational concepts and theories. Test them on the basics, such as fundamental principles, standard methodologies, and key terminology in their field. | *Undergraduate: They should have a solid grasp of foundational concepts and theories. Test them on the basics, such as fundamental principles, standard methodologies, and key terminology in their field. | ||
+ | |||
*Master's: They should demonstrate deeper knowledge and be able to apply concepts to real-world or hypothetical situations. Their answers should show critical thinking, familiarity with more advanced theories, and an ability to integrate concepts. | *Master's: They should demonstrate deeper knowledge and be able to apply concepts to real-world or hypothetical situations. Their answers should show critical thinking, familiarity with more advanced theories, and an ability to integrate concepts. | ||
+ | |||
*Doctorate: They should have a high level of expertise, with an ability to critically analyze, evaluate, and even challenge existing theories. A PhD-level student should also be familiar with recent research and be able to discuss gaps in knowledge or potential for innovation. | *Doctorate: They should have a high level of expertise, with an ability to critically analyze, evaluate, and even challenge existing theories. A PhD-level student should also be familiar with recent research and be able to discuss gaps in knowledge or potential for innovation. | ||
'''2.Problem Complexity and Application Skills''' | '''2.Problem Complexity and Application Skills''' | ||
*Undergraduate: Provide problems that focus on direct applications of concepts and basic problem-solving techniques. They should be able to follow formulas and known steps to reach an answer. | *Undergraduate: Provide problems that focus on direct applications of concepts and basic problem-solving techniques. They should be able to follow formulas and known steps to reach an answer. | ||
+ | |||
*Master's: Test their ability to solve more complex, multi-step problems and to think critically about how to approach these problems. They should be able to apply theories in new contexts and justify their problem-solving approaches. | *Master's: Test their ability to solve more complex, multi-step problems and to think critically about how to approach these problems. They should be able to apply theories in new contexts and justify their problem-solving approaches. | ||
+ | |||
*Doctorate: Present open-ended questions or problems with no single correct answer. Ask them to design their own approach, justify methods, and discuss potential challenges or improvements. They should exhibit the ability to tackle unique or innovative research questions. | *Doctorate: Present open-ended questions or problems with no single correct answer. Ask them to design their own approach, justify methods, and discuss potential challenges or improvements. They should exhibit the ability to tackle unique or innovative research questions. | ||
'''3. Analytical and Critical Thinking Skills''' | '''3. Analytical and Critical Thinking Skills''' | ||
*Undergraduate: Expect a focus on “how” something works rather than “why.” They may not yet have the skill to analyze or critique theories deeply. | *Undergraduate: Expect a focus on “how” something works rather than “why.” They may not yet have the skill to analyze or critique theories deeply. | ||
+ | |||
*Master's: They should show the ability to analyze, compare, and critique different theories or methods, discussing both strengths and limitations. | *Master's: They should show the ability to analyze, compare, and critique different theories or methods, discussing both strengths and limitations. | ||
+ | |||
*Doctorate: Look for a deep, critical approach with evidence of independent thought. They should challenge assumptions, integrate ideas from various sources, and propose new or modified frameworks. | *Doctorate: Look for a deep, critical approach with evidence of independent thought. They should challenge assumptions, integrate ideas from various sources, and propose new or modified frameworks. | ||
'''4. Research Ability and Independence''' | '''4. Research Ability and Independence''' | ||
*Undergraduate: Assess their ability to summarize basic research or perform simple experiments. At this level, research is more about following steps rather than creating new methods. | *Undergraduate: Assess their ability to summarize basic research or perform simple experiments. At this level, research is more about following steps rather than creating new methods. | ||
+ | |||
*Master's: They should be able to conduct semi-independent research, perhaps with some guidance. They should demonstrate the ability to review and synthesize literature, develop a research question, and apply existing methodologies. | *Master's: They should be able to conduct semi-independent research, perhaps with some guidance. They should demonstrate the ability to review and synthesize literature, develop a research question, and apply existing methodologies. | ||
+ | |||
*Doctorate: A PhD-level student should be able to design and conduct independent, original research, identify gaps in current knowledge, and propose new theories or methodologies. They should demonstrate the ability to work independently, including designing experiments or studies and interpreting complex results. | *Doctorate: A PhD-level student should be able to design and conduct independent, original research, identify gaps in current knowledge, and propose new theories or methodologies. They should demonstrate the ability to work independently, including designing experiments or studies and interpreting complex results. | ||
'''5. Writing and Communication Skills''' | '''5. Writing and Communication Skills''' | ||
*Undergraduate: Their writing will often be descriptive, focusing on explaining concepts accurately and clearly. | *Undergraduate: Their writing will often be descriptive, focusing on explaining concepts accurately and clearly. | ||
+ | |||
*Master's: Expect more complex structure and an analytical tone, with arguments backed by evidence. They should be able to discuss implications and demonstrate insight into the broader context of their field. | *Master's: Expect more complex structure and an analytical tone, with arguments backed by evidence. They should be able to discuss implications and demonstrate insight into the broader context of their field. | ||
+ | |||
*Doctorate: Their writing should reflect a sophisticated understanding of their field, including thorough critical analysis and the ability to discuss limitations, propose solutions, and contextualize findings within a larger academic discourse. | *Doctorate: Their writing should reflect a sophisticated understanding of their field, including thorough critical analysis and the ability to discuss limitations, propose solutions, and contextualize findings within a larger academic discourse. |
Revision as of 18:35, 11 November 2024
Nama saya Faza Khoirina, NPM 2406468620.
Mahasiswa Pascasarjana S2 Departemen Teknik Mesin Universitas Indonesia. Peminatan Sistem Otomasi dan Manufaktur angkatan 2024.
Kuliah Minggu Pertama
Pertemuan 1 - Framework DAI5 - Selasa 29/10/2024
Pada pertemuan pertama kelas Komputasi Teknik mempelajari bagaimana cara menyelesaikan suatu masalah dapat dimulai dengan menggunakan DAI5.
DAI5 adalah bentuk implementasi dalam menyelesaikan masalah yang dikembangkan dari Framework Computational thinking dan terdiri dari kombinasi antara Heartware dan Brainware.
Terdiri dari 4 tahapan penyelesaian yaitu:
1. Intention niat awal, tujuan dan simple. Niat yang dikemukakan tetap berfokus pada nilai pancasila pertama yaitu Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa.
2. Initial Thinking diperlukan dengan memahami tujuan pada permasalahan yang dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi masalah, pengumpulan masalah yang berupa data kualitatif dan data kuantitatif.
3. Idealization berarti pemahaman pada masalah yang akan diselesaikan dengan memperhatikan pendekatan dan asumsi - asumsi problem solving yang efektif. Pembagian komponen variabel yang penting dan menghilangkan variabel yang tidak penting.
4. Instruction Set merupakan pengembangan langkah-langkah yang diperlukan dalam penyelesaian masalah. Panduan yang diberikan pada seriap tahap berdasarkan penyederhanaan pada tahap idealisasi.
Tahap ini dilakukan saat kita memikirkan langkah-langkah untuk memecahkan soal matematika, menganalisis pro dan kontra dari suatu keputusan, atau merencanakan proyek. Semua ini membutuhkan proses berpikir yang disengaja dan penuh kesadaran.
Tugas 1
Penyelesaian Masalah Metode DAI5
Percakapan dengan ChatGPT
Anda bilang : Penyelesaian persamaan diferensial parsial menggunakan metode DAI5 dengan tahapan (intention, initial thinking, idealization, instruction set)?
ChatGPT menjawab
Metode DAI5 dapat digunakan untuk menyelesaikan persamaan diferensial parsial (PDE) dengan pendekatan yang terstruktur dan berkesadaran penuh. Berikut adalah cara penerapan DAI5 dengan tahapan-tahapannya, yaitu Intention, Initial Thinking, Idealization, Instruction Set, dan Iteration, untuk menyelesaikan PDE secara bertahap.
1. Intention (Menetapkan Niat)
Tahap pertama adalah menetapkan niat secara sadar, dengan memahami apa yang ingin dicapai dari penyelesaian ini.
- Tujuan: Menemukan solusi pendekatan dari PDE dengan menggunakan metode elemen hingga (finite element method, FEM).
- Mengapa: Persamaan diferensial ini mewakili berbagai fenomena fisika seperti distribusi suhu, aliran listrik, atau deformasi elastis dalam domain 1D.
- Hasil yang diinginkan: Solusi numerik u(x) yang mendekati nilai analitik dari fungsi u(x) pada domain yang diberikan.
2. Initial Thinking (Pemikiran Awal)
Pada tahap ini, kita menganalisis masalah untuk memahami metode pendekatan terbaik.
- Diskretisasi Domain: Membagi domain [0, L] menjadi elemen-elemen kecil agar dapat menyederhanakan PDE menjadi sistem persamaan linier.
- Pendekatan Solusi: Menggunakan pendekatan linier dengan fungsi basis (phi_i(x)) agar solusi bisa dinyatakan dalam bentuk u(x) approx sum (U_i)(phi_i(x)), di mana (U_i) adalah nilai pendekatan di setiap node.
- Metode Penyelesaian: Menggunakan metode residual untuk mereduksi error dengan cara integrasi Galerkin, sehingga persamaan diferensial dapat ditransformasikan menjadi sistem persamaan linier yang bisa diselesaikan secara numerik.
3. Idealization (Pembentukan Model Matematis)
Pada tahap Idealization, kita memodelkan persamaan diferensial menjadi bentuk yang lebih sederhana sehingga bisa diselesaikan dengan metode elemen hingga.
1. Residual Persamaan Diferensial:
3. Matriks Kekakuan dan Vektor Beban:
- Bentuk matriks kekakuan (K) dan vektor beban (F) dengan menggunakan fungsi basis, sehingga persamaan liniernya menjadi: K {U} = {F}
4. Instruction Set (Langkah-Langkah Penyelesaian)
Langkah-langkah praktis untuk menyelesaikan persamaan dengan metode elemen hingga:
5. Iteration (Refleksi dan Penyempurnaan)
Tahap terakhir adalah Iteration, yaitu mengevaluasi dan menyempurnakan hasil solusi.
- Evaluasi: Bandingkan solusi numerik dengan solusi analitik (jika ada) atau dengan solusi dari simulasi dengan mesh yang lebih halus.
- Penyempurnaan: Jika hasilnya tidak cukup akurat, coba tambahkan jumlah elemen atau gunakan fungsi basis dengan orde yang lebih tinggi.
- Pengulangan: Ulangi proses hingga solusi mendekati hasil langkah-langkah dengan metode DAI5.
Dengan mengikuti tahapan DAI5 ini, kita dapat memperoleh solusi pendekatan untuk persamaan diferensial parsial dengan **kesadaran penuh** pada setiap langkah, mulai dari niat awal hingga evaluasi akhir.
Kuliah Minggu Kedua
Pertemuan 2 - Framework DAI5 - Selasa 04/11/2024
Pada kuliah pertemuan kedua membahas mengenai perbedaan pemecahan masalah pada jenjang undergraduate students, master students dan doctoral students.
Pertanyaan: How do you test a student to justify that wether he or she is undergrade, master degree or doctorate degree student?
To gauge whether a student is at the undergraduate, master’s, or doctorate level, you can assess their depth of knowledge, analytical skills, and approach to complex problems. Here are some key ways to differentiate between these levels:
1.Depth of Knowledge and Understanding
*Undergraduate: They should have a solid grasp of foundational concepts and theories. Test them on the basics, such as fundamental principles, standard methodologies, and key terminology in their field.
*Master's: They should demonstrate deeper knowledge and be able to apply concepts to real-world or hypothetical situations. Their answers should show critical thinking, familiarity with more advanced theories, and an ability to integrate concepts.
*Doctorate: They should have a high level of expertise, with an ability to critically analyze, evaluate, and even challenge existing theories. A PhD-level student should also be familiar with recent research and be able to discuss gaps in knowledge or potential for innovation.
2.Problem Complexity and Application Skills
*Undergraduate: Provide problems that focus on direct applications of concepts and basic problem-solving techniques. They should be able to follow formulas and known steps to reach an answer.
*Master's: Test their ability to solve more complex, multi-step problems and to think critically about how to approach these problems. They should be able to apply theories in new contexts and justify their problem-solving approaches.
*Doctorate: Present open-ended questions or problems with no single correct answer. Ask them to design their own approach, justify methods, and discuss potential challenges or improvements. They should exhibit the ability to tackle unique or innovative research questions.
3. Analytical and Critical Thinking Skills
*Undergraduate: Expect a focus on “how” something works rather than “why.” They may not yet have the skill to analyze or critique theories deeply.
*Master's: They should show the ability to analyze, compare, and critique different theories or methods, discussing both strengths and limitations.
*Doctorate: Look for a deep, critical approach with evidence of independent thought. They should challenge assumptions, integrate ideas from various sources, and propose new or modified frameworks.
4. Research Ability and Independence
*Undergraduate: Assess their ability to summarize basic research or perform simple experiments. At this level, research is more about following steps rather than creating new methods.
*Master's: They should be able to conduct semi-independent research, perhaps with some guidance. They should demonstrate the ability to review and synthesize literature, develop a research question, and apply existing methodologies.
*Doctorate: A PhD-level student should be able to design and conduct independent, original research, identify gaps in current knowledge, and propose new theories or methodologies. They should demonstrate the ability to work independently, including designing experiments or studies and interpreting complex results.
5. Writing and Communication Skills
*Undergraduate: Their writing will often be descriptive, focusing on explaining concepts accurately and clearly.
*Master's: Expect more complex structure and an analytical tone, with arguments backed by evidence. They should be able to discuss implications and demonstrate insight into the broader context of their field.
*Doctorate: Their writing should reflect a sophisticated understanding of their field, including thorough critical analysis and the ability to discuss limitations, propose solutions, and contextualize findings within a larger academic discourse.