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(Design & Optimization of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage)
(Design & Optimization of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage)
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: Pressure Level : 8 bar
: Pressure Level : 8 bar
: Cost should not exceed Rp. 500 K
: Cost should not exceed Rp. 500 K

Revision as of 17:16, 1 June 2023



Assalamualaikum wr. wb.

Perkenalkan, nama saya Raffa Bainan Nunni dengan NPM 2106652556

Saat ini saya sedang menjalani perkuliahan di Universitas Indonesia jurusan Teknik Perkapalan

Resume Pertemuan 1 (26/05/2023)

Mempelajari ilmu apa pun memerlukan kemampuan berpikir yang sadar. Kesadaran diri merupakan kunci dalam membedakan hal-hal yang pantas. Namun, penting untuk diingat bahwa hanya Tuhan yang memiliki kebenaran mutlak. Ilmu sendiri hanyalah pendekatan yang tidak dapat mencapai kebenaran mutlak. Namun demikian, dengan memperluas pemahaman dan pengetahuan kita melalui ilmu, kita dapat mendekati pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang dunia dan diri kita sendiri. Kesadaran diri dan pemikiran yang terbuka memainkan peran penting dalam mengembangkan pandangan dunia yang inklusif dan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang kompleksitas kehidupan. Dalam perjalanan kita memperoleh ilmu, kita dihadapkan pada realitas bahwa sains dan pengetahuan berkembang seiring waktu, dan pemikiran kita harus terus terbuka untuk memperbarui dan memperluas pemahaman kita. Dengan menggabungkan kesadaran diri, pemikiran kritis, dan keterbukaan, kita dapat memperkaya pengetahuan dan memahami kompleksitas dunia di sekitar kita.

Design & Optimization of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage


Design and Optimization


Capacity : 1 L
Pressure Level : 8 bar


Cost should not exceed Rp. 500 K

Week 1 Progress

Knowing that I need to create something for this project, I consciously think that I need some assistance to provide me with some information about elements and procedures for designing and optimizing hydrogen storage. I chose ChatGPT to provide me assistance in this project because of its vast knowledge, exceptional language skills, and ability to understand and respond to a wide range of topics effectively and efficiently. "Could you offer an in-depth explanation of the elements and procedures involved in the design and optimization of a cost-effective compact pressurized hydrogen storage system?" I used this prompt in ChatGPT.
ChatGPT Response
Certainly! Designing and optimizing a cost-effective compact pressurized hydrogen storage system involves considering several key elements and following specific procedures. Here's an in-depth explanation of the process:
System Requirements: Begin by identifying the specific requirements for the hydrogen storage system, such as the desired storage capacity, operating pressure, weight, dimensions, and safety considerations. These requirements will guide the design process.
Storage Method: Determine the storage method based on the application and requirements. In this case, we'll focus on pressurized hydrogen storage. Other methods include cryogenic storage, solid-state storage, and chemical storage.
Material Selection: Selecting appropriate materials is crucial for safety, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency. The storage vessel should have high strength, be compatible with hydrogen, and possess low permeability to prevent hydrogen leakage. Common materials include high-strength steel, carbon fiber composites, or polymer-based liners with carbon fiber wrapping.
System Design: Develop a detailed design for the storage system, considering factors such as vessel shape, internal volume, structural integrity, valve and fitting placement, thermal management, and pressure relief mechanisms. Computer-aided design (CAD) software can assist in creating accurate models.
Safety Measures: Implement safety features to prevent accidents and ensure reliable operation. This may include pressure relief devices, burst disks, pressure sensors, and fire suppression systems. Adhering to relevant safety standards, such as ISO 16111 or ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, is crucial.
Optimization Techniques: Optimize the design for cost-effectiveness and compactness. This can involve various techniques, including structural analysis, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations, and optimization algorithms. These methods help identify the most efficient shapes, materials, and manufacturing techniques to reduce cost and maximize storage capacity.
Manufacturing Process: Choose an appropriate manufacturing process that balances cost, quality, and scalability. Common methods for hydrogen storage vessels include filament winding for composite materials and deep-drawing or forging for metal containers. Continually improve the manufacturing process to reduce costs and enhance reliability.
Performance Testing: Conduct thorough performance tests to ensure the system meets the desired specifications and safety requirements. This may involve pressure cycling, leak testing, burst tests, and other relevant evaluations. Real-world conditions should be simulated as accurately as possible.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and standards for hydrogen storage systems. This may include certifications from regulatory bodies such as the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), or local regulatory agencies. Compliance is essential for market acceptance and safety.
Lifecycle Considerations: Evaluate the lifecycle impact of the storage system, considering factors such as material sourcing, manufacturing energy consumption, maintenance requirements, and end-of-life considerations. Aim for sustainability and minimize environmental impact.
Continuous Improvement: As new technologies and materials emerge, continue to monitor advancements in hydrogen storage systems. Look for opportunities to enhance the system's efficiency, reduce costs, and improve safety through ongoing research and development efforts.