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'''Biodata diri'''
'''Personal Data'''
Nama: Arsalan Ghifari Kandung Sonda
Name: Arsalan Ghifari Kandung Sonda
NPM: 1806187871
NPM: 1806187871
Tempat/Tanggal Lahir: Jakarta, 04 Agustus 2000
Birth Place/Date: Jakarta, 04 August 2000
Saya merupakan mahasiswa Fakultas Teknin Universitas Indonesia Teknik Mesin Kelas Khusus Internasional angkatan 2018. Saat ini saya sedang menempuh semester 6 perkuliahan. Saya masuk menjadi mahasiswa teknik mesin karena dari saya kecil saya sudah senang dengan berbagai otomotif seperti mobil, kapal dan pesawat terbang. Dikarenakann itulah saya inging mengerti tentang mesin.  
I am a student of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Mechanical Engineering International Program, batch 2018. I am currently in semester 6 of my lecture. I entered into a mechanical engineering student because from my childhood I was already happy with various automobiles, such as cars, boats and airplanes. That's why I want to understand about machines.
'''23 Februari 2021'''
'''23 February 2021'''
Hari ini saya sangat baik tetapi saya masuk kelas dengan telat dikarenakan ada hal yang mendesak dan koneksi saya sedikit jelek.
Today I feel good, but I entered class late due to urgent matters and my connection is a little bad.
Menurut saya keadialan bagi semua orang itu berbeda - beda, tidak bisa disamakan. Tepapi kita bisa mencoba untuk membuat adil setiap golongan masyarakat dengan cara kita memilah setiap golongan masyarakat dan kita bisa mencari apakah arti keadilan bagi setiap orang. dari situlah baru kita bisa membuat masyarakat merasa adil.
In my opinion, justice for all people is different, cannot be equated. But we can try to make each class of society fair by dividing each class of society and we can find out what justice means for everyone. from there, we can make society feel fair.
Energi adalah suatu kerja yang dapat dilakukan oleh gaya tertentu. Cara mengajarkan energi ke anak sd. Cara mudahnya sebenernya dengan memberi tahu ap aitu energi dari kehidupan sehari-hari seperti saat dia bermain bola atau menendang bola. Dalam hal itu muncul energi dan force yang terjadi. Dan juga kita bisa menggunakan F1=F2, yaitu gaya yang diberikan sama dengan gaya yang dihasilkan. Itu bisa kita analogikan Ketika kita ingin menonjok tembok. maka tangan kita akan sakit karena tembok memberikan gaya yang sama dengan apa yang kita berikan.  
Energy is a work that can be done by a certain force. How to teach energy to elementary school children. The real easy way is to tell him what energy from everyday life is like when he is playing ball or kicking the ball. In that case, the energy and force that occur appears. And also we can use F1 = F2, that is, the force exerted is the same as the force generated. That can be an analogy when we want to punch a wall. then our hands will hurt because the wall gives the same force as what we give.
'''24 Februari 2021'''
'''24 February 2021'''
'''28 February 2021'''
At today meeting we provide opinions and discuss what Energy Conservation is. Then, we were also given a brief explanation of how to use OpenModelica.

Revision as of 22:52, 15 March 2021

Personal Data

Name: Arsalan Ghifari Kandung Sonda

NPM: 1806187871

Birth Place/Date: Jakarta, 04 August 2000

I am a student of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Mechanical Engineering International Program, batch 2018. I am currently in semester 6 of my lecture. I entered into a mechanical engineering student because from my childhood I was already happy with various automobiles, such as cars, boats and airplanes. That's why I want to understand about machines.

23 February 2021

Today I feel good, but I entered class late due to urgent matters and my connection is a little bad.

In my opinion, justice for all people is different, cannot be equated. But we can try to make each class of society fair by dividing each class of society and we can find out what justice means for everyone. from there, we can make society feel fair.

Energy is a work that can be done by a certain force. How to teach energy to elementary school children. The real easy way is to tell him what energy from everyday life is like when he is playing ball or kicking the ball. In that case, the energy and force that occur appears. And also we can use F1 = F2, that is, the force exerted is the same as the force generated. That can be an analogy when we want to punch a wall. then our hands will hurt because the wall gives the same force as what we give.

24 February 2021

Combined Power Cycle.jpg

28 February 2021

At today meeting we provide opinions and discuss what Energy Conservation is. Then, we were also given a brief explanation of how to use OpenModelica.