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     Hi, my name is Michael Geraldo Nabasa (2106732872), and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, University of Indonesia.  
      Hi, my name is Michael Geraldo Nabasa (2106732872), and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, the University of Indonesia.  
'''Numerical Metode'''
Metode numerik adalah pendekatan komputasional untuk memecahkan masalah matematika dengan menggunakan algoritma dan perhitungan komputer. Konsep dasarnya meliputi representasi numerik, aproksimasi, diskritisasi, metode iteratif, analisis kesalahan, pemecahan persamaan, integrasi numerik, dan analisis statistik. Metode ini digunakan dalam berbagai bidang dan memungkinkan pemecahan masalah matematika yang kompleks.
Definition :  pengalaman subjektif yang menyertai kesadaran diri kita dan persepsi terhadap dunia. Ini melibatkan pemahaman, kesadaran, dan respons terhadap pikiran, perasaan, dan lingkungan kita
       By substituting x=1 into the equation, the expression evaluates to 0/0, which is undefined in basic mathematics due to division by zero. To resolve this, we can factorize (X^2 - 1) as (X+1)(X-1), transforming the equation into a well-defined form.
       By substituting x=1 into the equation, the expression evaluates to 0/0, which is undefined in basic mathematics due to division by zero. To resolve this, we can factorize (X^2 - 1) as (X+1)(X-1), transforming the equation into a well-defined form.
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Hydrogen storage refers to keeping hydrogen in a safe and secure manner until it is needed for use. There are different ways to store hydrogen:
1. Compressed Gas: Hydrogen is stored in tanks under high pressure. It's like squeezing a lot of hydrogen into a small space. This method is used for some vehicles and stationary applications.
2. Liquid Hydrogen: Hydrogen is cooled to a very low temperature and stored as a liquid. It takes up less space than compressed gas, but it needs special insulation and handling. It's commonly used in space exploration.
3. Metal Hydrides: Certain metals can absorb hydrogen and hold onto it. These metals act like sponges for hydrogen. This method provides high-density storage, but it can be expensive and has limited capacity.
4. Chemical Hydrides: Hydrogen can be chemically combined with other materials to form compounds called chemical hydrides. These compounds store hydrogen at room temperature but can release it when needed. Finding suitable hydrides is a challenge.
5. Carbon-based Materials: Some special materials, like carbon nanotubes, can hold hydrogen on their surfaces. It's like the hydrogen molecules stick to the material. However, more research is needed to make this method practical.
6. Underground Storage: Hydrogen can be stored underground in places like depleted oil or gas fields. It uses existing underground spaces to hold large amounts of hydrogen. Safety measures are important to prevent leaks.
These methods are being researched and improved to make hydrogen storage more efficient, safe, and practical for different uses.
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'''Hydrogen Storage Design'''
'''Hydrogen Storage Design'''
   Data Operasional:
   Data Operasional:
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  Rumusnya adalah
      V : πr²h
  1. V diketahui 1 Liter
  2. Diameternya asumsikan 10 cm sehingga jari jarinya adalah 5 cm
      1000 : 3,14 x (5)² x h
      1000 : 78,5h
      h    : 12,73 cm
  3. Pemilihan Material
        Material yang digunakan adalah sheet metal ASTM A36 dengan yield strength 248 MPa, sehingga didapatkan allowable stress adalah 165,3 Mpa
  4. Ketebalan Tabung
[[File:Rumus ikel.jpg]]
E = 0,60
P = 8 Bar (116 Psi)
R = 50 mm = 1,9685 inch
S = 24000 ksi
Corrosion allowance = 1 mm = 0.039 inch
Sehingga bisa kita hitung ketebalan maksimalnya adalah
  t : 232,87 : 14330.4  = 0.01625 inch
'''Cost & Expenses Analysis'''
1. Biaya Material : sheet metal ASTM A36[[https://www.tokopedia.com/rizqibarokahsteel/jual-plate-sheet-astm-a36-6-50-50mm-1-pcs?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=pdp-seo]]
2. Dengan data yang ada maka diperoleh total harga material adalah : 1,053 x 30.000 : Rp. 31.590,00
3. Harga Nozzle : [https://www.tokopedia.com/dunialas88-1/nozzle-connical-nosel-nozel-mb15-mig-co-co2-mb-15ak-mb-15-type-binzel Harga Nozzle tip]
4. Harga Preassure Gauge : [https://www.tokopedia.com/rexsamas/pressure-gauge-4-inch-16-bar-kg-cm2-raket-leston-black-steel Harga Preassure Gauge]
5. Estimasi Biaya Pemesinan : Rp. 180.000,00
Maka total Biaya Produksinya adalah Rp. 302.590,00
Dengan mempertimbangkan anggaran yang telah ditentukan sebesar Rp 500.000, ketebalan yang tepat untuk tangki tersebut adalah 8 mm dengan range harga Rp. 302.590,00. Dengan demikian, sisa anggaran dapat dialokasikan untuk membeli katup dan pengatur tekanan.
Melalui proses pengerjaan proyek ini, saya menyadari bahwa dalam merancang sesuatu, banyak faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dan batasan yang harus dihadapi. Saya berharap dapat menerapkan pelajaran ini dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga menjadi lebih bersyukur dan memiliki kesadaran yang lebih tinggi
'''FINAL PRESENTATION LINK VIDEO'''[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTqPPzxzV-I]

Latest revision as of 03:38, 12 June 2023


      Hi, my name is Michael Geraldo Nabasa (2106732872), and I am currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, the University of Indonesia. 

Numerical Metode

Metode numerik adalah pendekatan komputasional untuk memecahkan masalah matematika dengan menggunakan algoritma dan perhitungan komputer. Konsep dasarnya meliputi representasi numerik, aproksimasi, diskritisasi, metode iteratif, analisis kesalahan, pemecahan persamaan, integrasi numerik, dan analisis statistik. Metode ini digunakan dalam berbagai bidang dan memungkinkan pemecahan masalah matematika yang kompleks.


Definition : pengalaman subjektif yang menyertai kesadaran diri kita dan persepsi terhadap dunia. Ini melibatkan pemahaman, kesadaran, dan respons terhadap pikiran, perasaan, dan lingkungan kita

     By substituting x=1 into the equation, the expression evaluates to 0/0, which is undefined in basic mathematics due to division by zero. To resolve this, we can factorize (X^2 - 1) as (X+1)(X-1), transforming the equation into a well-defined form.

hydrogen Storage

Hydrogen storage refers to keeping hydrogen in a safe and secure manner until it is needed for use. There are different ways to store hydrogen:

1. Compressed Gas: Hydrogen is stored in tanks under high pressure. It's like squeezing a lot of hydrogen into a small space. This method is used for some vehicles and stationary applications.

2. Liquid Hydrogen: Hydrogen is cooled to a very low temperature and stored as a liquid. It takes up less space than compressed gas, but it needs special insulation and handling. It's commonly used in space exploration.

3. Metal Hydrides: Certain metals can absorb hydrogen and hold onto it. These metals act like sponges for hydrogen. This method provides high-density storage, but it can be expensive and has limited capacity.

4. Chemical Hydrides: Hydrogen can be chemically combined with other materials to form compounds called chemical hydrides. These compounds store hydrogen at room temperature but can release it when needed. Finding suitable hydrides is a challenge.

5. Carbon-based Materials: Some special materials, like carbon nanotubes, can hold hydrogen on their surfaces. It's like the hydrogen molecules stick to the material. However, more research is needed to make this method practical.

6. Underground Storage: Hydrogen can be stored underground in places like depleted oil or gas fields. It uses existing underground spaces to hold large amounts of hydrogen. Safety measures are important to prevent leaks.

These methods are being researched and improved to make hydrogen storage more efficient, safe, and practical for different uses.

To effectively design and enhance a pressurized hydrogen tank, I have gathered several key considerations that need to be addressed. These include:

1. To enhance the valve and fitting system's design, it is crucial to optimize them for compatibility with high-pressure hydrogen gas. This optimization is essential in order to mitigate the risk of leaks or any other potential safety concerns.

2. To ensure safety, a pressure relief device should be employed to allow the container to safely release excess pressure during emergency situations. This safety feature guarantees that the container does not burst in the event of over-pressurization.

3. To reduce weight and ensure the container's ability to withstand pressure, it is important to design the storage container using lightweight and durable materials that are both strong and cost-effective. Suitable materials may include carbon fiber, aluminum, or other composite materials.

4. To guarantee the reliability and performance of the storage system, it is imperative to subject it to suitable testing and certification procedures to ensure compliance with applicable safety standards. This step ensures that the system meets the necessary requirements and can be relied upon for its intended purpose.

5. To stay within the designated budget, it is beneficial to investigate cost-effective manufacturing techniques for the pressure vessel, such as extrusion or casting. Utilizing these methods can assist in managing production costs efficiently while maintaining the desired quality and functionality of the vessel.

Hydrogen Storage Design

  Data Operasional:
     1. Kapasitas          : 1 Liter
     2. Tekanan            : 8 Bar
     3. Cost               : Rp 500.000,00 
     4. Temp Operational   : 30 - 40 Deg Celcius
     5. Instrument Control : Pressure Regulator range 1 - 15 Bar
 A. Perhitungan tinggi tabung


  Rumusnya adalah 
     V : πr²h
  1. V diketahui 1 Liter
  2. Diameternya asumsikan 10 cm sehingga jari jarinya adalah 5 cm
      1000 : 3,14 x (5)² x h
      1000 : 78,5h
      h    : 12,73 cm
  3. Pemilihan Material
       Material yang digunakan adalah sheet metal ASTM A36 dengan yield strength 248 MPa, sehingga didapatkan allowable stress adalah 165,3 Mpa
  4. Ketebalan Tabung

Rumus ikel.jpg

E = 0,60

P = 8 Bar (116 Psi)

R = 50 mm = 1,9685 inch

S = 24000 ksi

Corrosion allowance = 1 mm = 0.039 inch

Sehingga bisa kita hitung ketebalan maksimalnya adalah

 t : 232,87 : 14330.4  = 0.01625 inch

Cost & Expenses Analysis

1. Biaya Material : sheet metal ASTM A36[[1]]

2. Dengan data yang ada maka diperoleh total harga material adalah : 1,053 x 30.000 : Rp. 31.590,00

3. Harga Nozzle : Harga Nozzle tip

4. Harga Preassure Gauge : Harga Preassure Gauge

5. Estimasi Biaya Pemesinan : Rp. 180.000,00

Maka total Biaya Produksinya adalah Rp. 302.590,00

Kesimpulan Dengan mempertimbangkan anggaran yang telah ditentukan sebesar Rp 500.000, ketebalan yang tepat untuk tangki tersebut adalah 8 mm dengan range harga Rp. 302.590,00. Dengan demikian, sisa anggaran dapat dialokasikan untuk membeli katup dan pengatur tekanan.

Melalui proses pengerjaan proyek ini, saya menyadari bahwa dalam merancang sesuatu, banyak faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dan batasan yang harus dihadapi. Saya berharap dapat menerapkan pelajaran ini dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga menjadi lebih bersyukur dan memiliki kesadaran yang lebih tinggi