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'''3 Maret 2021'''
'''3 Maret 2021'''
[[File:Siklus open loop brayton.png]] [[File:Brayton cycle t-s and p-v diagram.gif]]
[[File:Siklus open loop brayton.png]] [[File:Brayton cycle t-s and p-v diagram.gif]]
In an open-loop Brayton Cycle, there are 3 components and 4 processes. Process 1-2 is an isentropic compression that happened in compressor. Fresh air is compressed, causing a rise in pressure as well as its temperature, and reduction in volume. In this process there is no heat transfer, since it's an adiabatic process and ideally the entropy value is constant though there is slight change actually.  
In an open-loop Brayton Cycle, there are 3 components and 3 processes. Process 1-2 is an isentropic compression that happened in compressor. Fresh air is compressed, causing a rise in pressure as well as its temperature, and reduction in volume. In this process there is no heat transfer, since it's an adiabatic process and ideally the entropy value is constant though there is slight change actually.  
Process 2-3 occurs in combustion chamber. In this process, the compressed air is being heated by mixing with fuel, causing the temperature to rise. The pressure in this process is constant, causing a slight increase in volume and entropy value also increases.
Process 2-3 occurs in combustion chamber. In this process, the compressed air is being heated by mixing with fuel, causing the temperature to rise. The pressure in this process is constant, causing a slight increase in volume and entropy value also increases.
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Process 3-4 occurs in turbine, high-pressured hot air goes to turbine and exits through isentropic expansion. Energy from recently processed air pushes the turbine around, and when connected to generator, causing electricity generation. After passing through turbine, the air will have lower temperature as well as its pressure, and an increase in volume.
Process 3-4 occurs in turbine, high-pressured hot air goes to turbine and exits through isentropic expansion. Energy from recently processed air pushes the turbine around, and when connected to generator, causing electricity generation. After passing through turbine, the air will have lower temperature as well as its pressure, and an increase in volume.
Ideally, in a Brayton cycle, entropy value in isentropic process in compressor and turbine doesn't change. In reality, entropy value does change due to irreversibility, reducing efficiency of compressor and turbine. Also ideally, pressure remains constant during heat addition in combustion chamber and rejection at exhaust, while actually there is a pressure drop in both process.
Ideally, in a Brayton cycle, entropy value in isentropic process in compressor and turbine doesn't change. In reality, entropy value does change due to irreversibility, reducing efficiency of compressor and turbine. Also ideally, pressure remains constant during heat addition in combustion chamber and rejection at exhaust, while actually there is a pressure drop in both process. Ideal and actual Brayton cycle t-s diagram are shown below
The equations that can be useful when calculating Brayton cycle are as follows :
The equations that can be useful when calculating Brayton cycle are as follows :
[[File:Brayton cycle equations.jpg|400px]]
'''9 Maret 2021'''
In today's lecture, we're being guided to make an example of combustion chamber system as shown below, using components from ThermoSysPro library.  Components used are sourcepq for flue gas and water steam, and fuelsourcepq for input to GTcombustionchamber, and sink for the output.
[[File:Model combustion chamber.jpg|350px]]
After setting up the model, the parameter of air condition and fuel properties are changed according to given test-case, the model is then simulated and will result as shown below.
[[File:Percobaan 1 combustion chamber.jpg|350px]]
After simulating the combustion chamber with the given parameter, we're assigned to try change some parameters by ourselves. I started by changing the parameter at flue gas inlet, increasing pressure from 15 to 20 bar and temperature from 680 to 750 K and simulate again and the result are shown below.
[[File:Percobaan 2 combustion chamber.jpg|350px]]
The result shows slight increase in temperature and slight decrease in pressure at the sink.
Then I tried to change the parameter again, this time by changing the flow rate (from 9.3 kg/s to 11 kg/s) and temperature of the fuel source (from 410 K to 525 K), as well the density of fuel itself (from 0.838 kg/m3 to 0.95 kg/m3) and see if there is any significant difference in the sink.
[[File:Percobaan 3 combustion chamber.jpg|350px]]
After this second change, I found that other than slight decrease in pressure and increase in temperature, by changing the parameters in fuel, the mass fraction of CO2, H2O, N2, and O2 also changes.
'''10 Maret 2021'''
In today's lecture, we are guided to make an example of compressor system using OpenModelica. Components used for compressor system are SourcePQ and SinkP (from ThermoSysPro Flue Gases) and Compressor (from Machines) and arranged as below
[[File:Model compressor.jpg|375px]]
After setting up the model, I tried to change the parameters according to test case from Pak Dai's Energy Conversion System page, which shown below
[[File:Parameter compressor sourcepq.jpg|375px]]
[[File:Parameter compressor.jpg|600px]]
[[File:Parameter compressor sinkp.jpg|375px]]
After changing the parameters, I run the simulation and gets the result of the compressor performance. The obtained result is not exactly the same as the expected result from the given test-case, but the numbers were really close.
[[File:Result simulation compressor.jpg|600px]]
'''16 Maret 2021'''
Gas turbine presentation video

Latest revision as of 13:34, 16 March 2021


Nama : Nizar Rizki Ramadhan

NPM : 1806228013

Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir : Sidoarjo, 26 Desember 1999

Tentang saya

Saya adalah mahasiswa Teknik Mesin KKI angkatan 2018 yang mengambil program studi Teknik Mesin untuk memenuhi ketertarikan saya dalam bidang otomotif, dan perancangan mekanikal

Catatan Pembelajaran

23 Februari 2021

Kabar saya hari ini, tanggal 23 Februari 2021, sangat baik.

Saya mendapat pemahaman bahwa akan lebih baik kamu tahu mengenai apa yang kamu tidak tahu daripada kamu tidak tahu apa yang kamu tidak tahu.

Menurut saya "keadilan" itu adalah kondisi dimana seseorang bisa mendapatkan kebahagiaan atau mendapatkan hal-hal yang diinginkan yang sama dan sesuai dengan proporsi mereka masing-masing, meski dalam beberapa keadaan harus ada yang dikorbankan dan membuat suatu keadaan terlihat tidak imbang.

Dalam hal korelasi antara ilmu di teknik mesin dan keadilan, saya berpendapat bahwa dalam merancang suatu sistem, maka harus mempertimbangkan keadilan antara sisi pengguna dan dari sistem itu sendiri. Misalkan dari segi sistem, maka harus ada keseimbangan dan keadilan dalam pembetukannya, misal sebuah sistem yang memanfaatkan panas harus mempertimbangkan misalnya properti material, agar tercipta keadilan antara performa sistem yang diinginkan dengan daya tahan dari sistem tersebut. Kemudian untuk sisi sosial saya berpendapat bahwa keadilan dapat bermakna setiap orang dapat merasakan manfaat yang sama dari benda-benda yang memanfaatkan keilmuan teknik mesin.

Pelajaran mekanika fluida di teknik mesin sangatlah penting agar kita bisa mendesain suatu sistem yang menggunakan fluida. Kita bisa memahami karakteristik fluida dan bagaimana jika fluida dihadapkan dengan benda.

Cara saya memberi definisi energi kepada anak SD adalah energi itu merupakan sebuah kekuatan yang dapat memberikan perubahan terhadap suatu benda. Misal energi kinetik adalah sebuah kekuatan yang dapat memberikan gaya kinetik atau gerak ke sebuah benda.

Gambar dibawah ini adalah komponen-komponen dari sebuah combined power cycle

Tugas ECC2 Combined Cycle Load ThermoSysPro Nizar Rizki Ramadhan 1806228013.png

24 Februari 2021

Pada pembelajaran hari ini diawali dengan menjabarkan isi dari halaman wiki kami secara singkat, kemudian diberikan tugas mempelajari OpenModelica dan mencoba membuat model gas turbine sederhana.

Sebuah gas turbine terdiri dari beberapa komponen seperti kompresor, ruang bakar (combustion chamber), dan turbin. Prinsip kerja dari sebuah gas turbine menggunakan siklus Brayton dengan open-loop, dimana kompresi dan ekspansi berlangsung dalam komponen yang berputar, dalam hal ini terjadi di kompresor dan turbin.

Siklus open loop brayton.png

Di proses 1-2 udara akan dimasukkan ke kompresor untuk dinaikkan suhu dan tekanannya (kompresi isentropik). Kemudian di proses 2-3, udara dari kompresor masuk ruang bakar untuk dicampur dengan bahan bakar dan dinaikkan suhunya dengan tekanan konstan. Kemudian di proses 3-4 udara bersuhu dan tekanan tinggi akhirnya memasuki turbin (isentropic expansion) dan keluar lewat saluran pembuangan di proses 4.

Brayton cycle t-s and p-v diagram.gif

Setelah memahami prinsip siklus Brayton ini, kita dapat membuat pemodelan open cycle gas turbine dengan menggunakan OpenModelica. Saya mempelajari komponen apa saja yang digunakan dari ThermoSysPro yang didapatkan dari system library bawaan OpenModelica. Setelah mendapat komponen yang digunakan, saya mencoba untuk membuat skema baru open cycle gas turbine yang sederhana.

Model open loop gas turbine openmodelica.jpg

Dari model tersebut, sistem ini memiliki 4 jenis input, 2 input untuk mass flow dan kelembaban dari udara yang masuk, sedangkan 2 input untuk menentukan jenis bahan bakar dan mass flow dari oxidizer. Kemudian sistem ini juga memiliki 2 output, 1 output untuk exhaust (karena ini merupakan sistem open-loop sehingga udara dari exhaust tidak dikembalikan ke kompresor) dan output yang lain dihubungkan ke generator untuk mengetahui listrik yang dihasilkan.

Setelah membuat skema ini, saya mencoba untuk mengganti parameter dari beberapa komponen kemudian simulasi dari skema ini dijalankan. Namun saya mendapat beberapa error dan warning ketika menjalankan simulasi dan saya kesulitan mencari penyebab dan bagaimana penyelesaiannya

2 Maret 2021

Pada pembelajaran hari ini membahas makna sistem dan konservasi energi. Menurut saya definisi sistem yang mudah dipahami adalah gabungan antara beberapa hal yang dapat melakukan suatu pekerjaan tertentu. Contohnya seperti sistem pernapasan dimana organ pernapasan seperti hidung, tenggorokan, dan paru-paru bergabung untuk melakukan pernapasan pada manusia.

Kemudian pembahasan berlanjut membahas konservasi energi. Menurut saya sebuah energi itu tidak dapat diciptakan dan dihilangkan, melainkan hanya berubah bentuk agar tercipta keseimbangan. Misalnya pada sebuah mesin kendaraan, energi dari pembakaran bensin tidak akan hilang melainkan berubah menjadi energi kinetik, panas, dan suara. Contoh lainnya adalah persamaan Bernoulli dari sistem pemipaan. Jumlah energi yang dimiliki dua titik dalam pipa adalah sama besarnya dan tidak ada yang hilang, jadi jika ada komponen yang berkurang pada satu titik, maka titik lainnya akan memiliki komponen yang lebih besar. Contohnya aliran fluida yang mengalir lambat dan memiliki tekanan tertentu di suatu titik, maka di titik lain yang fluidanya mengalir cepat akan memiliki tekanan yang lebih kecil untuk menyeimbangkan jumlah energi yang dimiliki. Tekanan sendiri adalah hasil perhitungan antara gaya per satuan luas dan energi per satuan volume.

Aktivitas perkuliahan kemarin juga diakhiri dengan berlatih membuat model konversi energi berupa sebuah power plant sederhana.

3 Maret 2021

Siklus open loop brayton.png Brayton cycle t-s and p-v diagram.gif

In an open-loop Brayton Cycle, there are 3 components and 3 processes. Process 1-2 is an isentropic compression that happened in compressor. Fresh air is compressed, causing a rise in pressure as well as its temperature, and reduction in volume. In this process there is no heat transfer, since it's an adiabatic process and ideally the entropy value is constant though there is slight change actually.

Process 2-3 occurs in combustion chamber. In this process, the compressed air is being heated by mixing with fuel, causing the temperature to rise. The pressure in this process is constant, causing a slight increase in volume and entropy value also increases.

Process 3-4 occurs in turbine, high-pressured hot air goes to turbine and exits through isentropic expansion. Energy from recently processed air pushes the turbine around, and when connected to generator, causing electricity generation. After passing through turbine, the air will have lower temperature as well as its pressure, and an increase in volume.

Ideally, in a Brayton cycle, entropy value in isentropic process in compressor and turbine doesn't change. In reality, entropy value does change due to irreversibility, reducing efficiency of compressor and turbine. Also ideally, pressure remains constant during heat addition in combustion chamber and rejection at exhaust, while actually there is a pressure drop in both process. Ideal and actual Brayton cycle t-s diagram are shown below


The equations that can be useful when calculating Brayton cycle are as follows :

Brayton cycle equations.jpg

9 Maret 2021

In today's lecture, we're being guided to make an example of combustion chamber system as shown below, using components from ThermoSysPro library. Components used are sourcepq for flue gas and water steam, and fuelsourcepq for input to GTcombustionchamber, and sink for the output.

Model combustion chamber.jpg

After setting up the model, the parameter of air condition and fuel properties are changed according to given test-case, the model is then simulated and will result as shown below.

Percobaan 1 combustion chamber.jpg

After simulating the combustion chamber with the given parameter, we're assigned to try change some parameters by ourselves. I started by changing the parameter at flue gas inlet, increasing pressure from 15 to 20 bar and temperature from 680 to 750 K and simulate again and the result are shown below.

Percobaan 2 combustion chamber.jpg

The result shows slight increase in temperature and slight decrease in pressure at the sink.

Then I tried to change the parameter again, this time by changing the flow rate (from 9.3 kg/s to 11 kg/s) and temperature of the fuel source (from 410 K to 525 K), as well the density of fuel itself (from 0.838 kg/m3 to 0.95 kg/m3) and see if there is any significant difference in the sink.

Percobaan 3 combustion chamber.jpg

After this second change, I found that other than slight decrease in pressure and increase in temperature, by changing the parameters in fuel, the mass fraction of CO2, H2O, N2, and O2 also changes.

10 Maret 2021

In today's lecture, we are guided to make an example of compressor system using OpenModelica. Components used for compressor system are SourcePQ and SinkP (from ThermoSysPro Flue Gases) and Compressor (from Machines) and arranged as below

Model compressor.jpg

After setting up the model, I tried to change the parameters according to test case from Pak Dai's Energy Conversion System page, which shown below

Parameter compressor sourcepq.jpg Parameter compressor.jpg Parameter compressor sinkp.jpg

After changing the parameters, I run the simulation and gets the result of the compressor performance. The obtained result is not exactly the same as the expected result from the given test-case, but the numbers were really close.

Result simulation compressor.jpg

16 Maret 2021 Gas turbine presentation video