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Central Processing Unit (CPU) technologies has led into smart technologies with a purpose to get a better performance followed by a smaller dimensions. However, it makes a significant increase in the heat flux produced by the CPU. In this research, cascade straight heat pipe was designed to get a better cooling performance and fully passive system. The methods used in this research were by giving the heat pipe some heat loads in amount of 10 W, 20 W, 30 W, and 40 W, respectively by analysis using simulation method on ANSYS software.
Central Processing Unit (CPU) technologies has led into smart technologies with a purpose to get a better performance followed by a smaller dimensions. However, it makes a significant increase in the heat flux produced by the CPU. In this research, cascade straight heat pipe was designed to get a better cooling performance and fully passive system. The methods used in this research were by giving the heat pipe some heat loads in amount of 10 W, 20 W, 30 W, and 40 W, respectively by analysis using simulation method on ANSYS software.
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1. Initial Thinking
2. Modelling

Latest revision as of 03:21, 13 April 2020


Central Processing Unit (CPU) technologies has led into smart technologies with a purpose to get a better performance followed by a smaller dimensions. However, it makes a significant increase in the heat flux produced by the CPU. In this research, cascade straight heat pipe was designed to get a better cooling performance and fully passive system. The methods used in this research were by giving the heat pipe some heat loads in amount of 10 W, 20 W, 30 W, and 40 W, respectively by analysis using simulation method on ANSYS software.

1. Initial Thinking

2. Modelling

Mohamad Wafirul Hadi

59 months ago
Score 0++
terimakasih, ijin bertanya mba desy, kelebihan apa yang menjadi unggulan dari penelitian terdahulu? apakah hanya menggunakan sofware ansys?

I Gusti Agung Ayu Desy Wulandari

59 months ago
Score 0++

Terimakasih atas pertanyaan nya mas Wafirul, sebenarnya tidak bisa dikatakan sebagai kelebihan namun lebih tepatnya adalah kebaruan, dimana penelitian mengenai cascade heat pipe ini sebelumnya belum ada yang menggunakan metode simulasi, bahkan di penelitian skripsi saya yang sebelumnya menggunakan metode eksperimen, sehingga metode simulasi pada penelitian kali ini adalah hal yang masih terbilang sangat fresh.

Sekian jawaban dari saya, mohon maaf apabila ada yang kurang berkenan.
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