Kausar Nur Budirahardjo

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hello my name is Kausar Nur (2106651710) and i'm currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering, University of Indonesia. As a future engineer, I am excited to embark my studies and to keep gain knowledge. Remember, stay concious!

Design & Optimization of Pressurized Hydrogen Storage

A 1-liter hydrogen storage design that is budget-friendly must carefully take into account a number of variables. Here are some ideas to assist you in finding a workable and affordable solution: 1. Choose a Cost-Effective Storage Material For the storage container, look for economical solutions such lightweight plastic or composite materials. Think about how they react with hydrogen and whether they can endure the necessary pressure. 2. Cylinder Design A smaller cylinder should be optimized to hold 1 liter of hydrogen. This will save material costs while still maintaining the required pressure. Think about inexpensive, lightweight materials like aluminum or composite cylinders. 3. Safety Considerations Make sure the storage system you choose has all the necessary safety precautions, like pressure relief valves and enough ventilation. To avoid overpressurization and maintain the secure storage of hydrogen, certain precautions are essential. 4. Cost-Effective Components Choose reasonably priced valves, fittings, and seals that are compatible with the storage material and meet the necessary pressure requirements. To find the best bargain within your price range, research vendors and compare pricing. 5. Efficient Manufacturing Investigate low-cost manufacturing strategies like standardized assembly procedures or injection molding for plastic parts. Costs can be decreased by streamlining the manufacturing process. 6. System Integration Make sure the storage system's components are correctly integrated and sealed to avoid leaks and guarantee effective performance. Check the system for any flaws or leaks that can affect performance and security. 7. Performance Testing Perform performance tests to make sure the storage system satisfies the necessary requirements after it has been created and put together. Consider aspects including pressure retention, robustness, and overall functionality.

It's crucial to keep in mind that optimizing a hydrogen storage system on a tight budget necessitates careful consideration of a number of aspects, including material pricing, component selection, and manufacturing methods. To make sure that the design complies with safety standards and functional needs, it could also be beneficial to speak with specialists or professionals in the industry who have experience with hydrogen storage systems.