Vegantra Amayko Siaga

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Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

  • NAME: Vegantra Amayko Siaga
  • NPM: 2106658811
  • EMAIL:

Hello! My Name is Vegantra Amayko Siaga, currently studying Mechanical Engineering KKI batch 2021. Currently i'm taking Numerical Method KKI class with Pak DAI.

Case Study of Hydrogen Storage Optimization

Optimization of hydrogen storage is a crucial component of hydrogen-based energy systems. To overcome the difficulties posed by hydrogen, such as its low density and high volatility, efficient and effective storage techniques are required. Several methods for enhancing hydrogen storage are listed below:

1. Compressed Gas Storage: One popular technique is to compress hydrogen gas and store it in high-pressure tanks. The compression process must be enhanced, tank materials must be improved, and leakage must be decreased in order to maximize this strategy. To increase storage capacity and enhance safety, advanced materials can be used, such as metal hydrides or carbon fiber composites.

2. Liquid Hydrogen Storage: This method of storing hydrogen involves cooling it to a very low temperature (-253°C). Utilizing cutting-edge insulation methods and materials, liquid hydrogen storage is optimized by reducing heat transmission and evaporation losses. The insulation and architecture of cryogenic storage tanks must be strong enough to resist the harsh conditions.

3. Storage of metal hydrides: Some metals, such as magnesium or complex metal alloys, have the ability to absorb hydrogen and store it inside their lattice structures. Enhancing the stability and durability of the materials used, as well as the kinetics of hydrogen absorption and desorption, are all important components in optimizing metal hydride storage.

4. Chemical hydride storage: Through chemical reactions, chemical compounds—also referred to as chemical hydrides—can store hydrogen. Finding molecules with a high hydrogen capacity, enhancing reaction kinetics, and creating efficient regeneration techniques are all necessary for optimizing chemical hydride storage.

5. Carbon-based materials, such as activated carbon or carbon nanotubes, can adsorb hydrogen on their surfaces and store it there. The capacity for hydrogen adsorption is being increased, the adsorption and desorption kinetics are being improved, and innovative carbon-based materials are being investigated for effective storage, among other optimization efforts.

6. Solid-State Hydrogen Storage: Through physical or chemical interactions, solid-state materials such as metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) or porous materials can store hydrogen. Designing and synthesizing materials with large surface areas, fine-tuning pore architectures for increased hydrogen uptake, and enhancing stability and reversibility are all necessary to optimize solid-state storage.

7. System Integration: System-level integration must also be taken into account for optimizing hydrogen storage. It is crucial to create effective storage systems that integrate with technologies for the production, distribution, and use of hydrogen. A sustainable and dependable hydrogen supply chain can be achieved through integration with renewable energy sources.

Additionally, efforts to optimize hydrogen storage should concentrate on strengthening safety, cutting costs, raising storage capacity, boosting energy density, and attaining quick and dependable hydrogen delivery. Technology advancements for hydrogen storage depend on materials science, nanotechnology, and engineering research and development.

Constraint of Hydrogen Storage Optimazation

When considering hydrogen storage with pressure constraints, one option is to use materials that can store hydrogen at lower pressures. This can help reduce the need for high-pressure vessels and make the storage system more practical and cost-effective

Carbon-based Materials: Carbon-based materials, such as activated carbon and carbon nanotubes, can store hydrogen through physisorption. By optimizing the pore structures and surface properties, these materials can achieve hydrogen storage at lower pressures After that, there’s constraint in general that we used. Geometrical constraint

When it comes to the geometrical constraints of hydrogen storage, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. These constraints arise from the need to store hydrogen in a compact and efficient manner. Here’s key geometrical constraints for hydrogen storage:

Space Efficiency: To maximize the storage capacity, it is desirable to have a storage system that occupies minimal space. This is particularly important for applications where space is limited, such as in vehicles or portable devices. Designing the storage system to minimize its footprint while maximizing the volume available for hydrogen storage is a crucial constraint.