Christopher Salendu Erwin

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Revision as of 15:19, 19 November 2020 by Christopherse (talk | contribs) (Week 02 [18/11/20])
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Greetings! Welcome to my page :)

About Me

Freut mich!

I am a student at the University of Indonesia pursuing a Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering. I am fascinated with the fields of aerospace, robotics, and systems design.

On-campus I participate in two extracurricular organizations: English debating and robotics. As a debater, I enjoy exploring multiple perspectives on relevant issues and deconstructing policies through critical argumentation. Although I consider myself still far from an expert in debating, I am thrilled to say that I have achieved the Novice Champion title in the JOVED 2019 debating tournament. Besides debating, I recently joined the robotics club's rocketry division. Unfortunately, since the pandemic happened right after, I haven't done much with robotics yet, but I am looking forward to learning more about it!

Some of my interests include programming and foreign languages. For programming, I have some experience with microcontrollers, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi. The programming language that I'm currently grappling with is Python, and I know a little bit of C++, Java, and HTML. Another hobby of mine is learning foreign languages, and I'm able to speak some German, Japanese, Spanish, and French. Sometimes I study several other languages when I'm feeling up to it.

Numerical Methods

This page was made for the Numerical Methods class that I'm taking this semester (Ganjil 2020/2021). So far up to midterms, we have learned the following topics:

  • Taylor Series Approximation
  • Bisection Method
  • Newton-Raphson Method
  • Secant Method
  • Systems of Non-linear Equations
  • Gauss Elimination
  • Least Squares Regression
  • Interpolation
  • Numerical Differentiation

Week 01 [11/11/20]

Tujuan Belajar Metode Numerik

  1. Memahami konsep dan prinsip dasar metode numerik.
  2. Mengerti aplikasi dan penerapan metode numerik.
  3. Mampu menerapkan pengetahuan metode numerik di persoalan teknik.
  4. Mendapat nilai tambah sendiri agar menjadi orang yang lebih beradab.

Belajar OpenModelica

Week 02 [18/11/20]

OpenModelica Intro: Class & Function

Persamaan Aljabar Simultan

LU Decomposition

Student Data

NPM: 1806201056